Yes, I want this

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Nick runs his hand down Charlie's body, resting them on his waist. Nick pulls Charlie onto him, Charlie giggling as he runs his hands into Nick's shirt, his lips over Nick's neck.

C "I love you~"

Nick kisses him over and over again, thinking about how much love that he feels for this boy,

N "I love you more"

Charlie rolls his eyes every time Nick says that; Nick is the one who taught him how to love again, if it wasn't for Nick, Charlie wouldn't be here today, he wouldn't be alive right now.

C "No you don't~"

N "Ugh! Fine, you win!"

Charlie bends down kissing him,

C "Thank you~"

Nick throws his shirt over to the side, Charlie hands running over Nick's chest

C "I love your muscles"

Nick flexes showing off to his boyfriend, seeing Charlie smile over his body,

N "your body is very beautiful too~"

Charlie smiles kissing Nick over and over, taking off his shirt after a moment, Climbing off Nick's lap,

N "Should I take off my shorts?~"

Charlie nods, taking off his as well,

N "I'm so fucking glad I met you"

Charlie smiles climbing back on his lap moving his hips in a circler motion feeling Nick's erection underneath him,

C "I am too~"

Nick groans loving how much Charlie takes over, remembering how bad his PTSD was before and seeing how much he has improved.

N "Mhm~ I love you"

Charlie grabs Nick's chin pulling him into a kiss,

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C "do you prefer being top? Or do you like me controlling you..."

N "I like both... but I really like being top... "

Charlie climbs off of him lying on his back with his legs open besides Nick,

C "Then do it"

Nick gets up pinning Charlie down into the pillows,

N "will do~"

Nick reaches into his nightstand grabbing a condom, and opening it

N "Notice how I'm not using my teeth"

Charlie rolls his eyes laughing, Nick takes out the condom sliding it onto his cock, he aligns himself,

N "Are you ready?~"

after Charlie nods about a thousand times Nick looks into his eyes, running his finger against Charlie's chin,

N "I need words"

C "Yes~ I want this~"

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Nick smiles pushing himself in, Charlie groans, placing his arms around Nick's shoulders, digging his nails in as Nick speeds up.

N "Too much?"

Charlie shakes his head, Nick slamming into him, both of them trying their best to stay quiet. Charlie loves the feeling of Nick's muscles against his palms.

C "I- I wanna stay wi- Mhm~ with you forever~"

N "Eh~ you only like me for my penis~"

C "You know T- Mmhm~ T-that's not true!!!"

Nick laughs, getting closer to Charlie; kissing his neck,

N "I know~ I know~ You love me or something~"

C "yes. I love you~"

N "I love you too~"

Nick kisses Charlie again, they both groan eachothers names as they finish. Nick wraps sweaty arms around Charlie, kissing behind his ear.

C "I swear to god you're the only person whose sweat smells good- I don't know why it just does!"

N "Thank you..."

Charlie cuddles into his boyfriend, knowing how great his life will be with Nick by his side.

C "I wish I could be here... 24/7... lying in your bed in your arms... it's the best place I've ever been"

Nick nuzzles his head into Charlie's Neck,

N "I won't ever let you go~"

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