Pinky swear?

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C "Nicky~ I have to go~ my mom is going to kill me I said I would be back at 10~"
Nick grips Charlie tighter in his arms.
N "Mmhm~ I don't want you too~"
C "She didn't say you couldn't come over~"
Nick holds onto Charlie as he gets up with him.
N "I like your idea~"
Nick's phone starts ringing with a call from his mom, 
NM "Can I come home? Are you two done?"
N "Yes I'm actually about to go to Charlie's place."
NM "So I can go home? "
N "Yes Mum"
NM "I love you... Bye"
N "Bye Mum"
Nick hangs up the phone grabbing Charlie's waist pulling him onto his lap, 
N "I loved that so much Char~"
C "I love... you so much~"
Charlie turns around kissing Nick on the cheek. 
C "Come on~"
Charlie pulls Nick up, hugging him. 
N "Mhm~"
Charlie's lips pressed firmly on Nick's neck,
N "mmhm~" 
Nick holds charlie lifting him up into the air, kissing him again, Charlie laughing as Nick spins him around
C "Nicky~ put me down!~"
N "Nah~ I don't think I will~"
Nick giggles as he kisses charlie over and over again; still spinning. 
C "Nicky!~"
Nick slows his spinning, setting Charlie down; but still hugging him tightly. 
C "I love your hugs~"
Charlie kisses Nick over and over, 
C "Get your stuff together~"
Nick grabs his phone, his charger and an outfit for tomorrow he goes throwing everything into a back pack. 
N "Come on~" 
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There waiting for the bus Nick's arm around Charlie. 
C "It's cold~"
Nick takes off his jacket wrapping it around Charlie. 
N "There~"
Charlie rests his head on Nick's shoulder; smiling, he turns kissing Charlie's forehead.
N "I love you so much"
Charlie wraps his arms around Nick squeezing him tightly, Nick giggling so happy with how his life went, It's been perfect; Meeting the love of his life, his mom supporting their love, everything has been perfect for him. 
C "I love you so much more~"
Charlie sits there with Nick in his arms; knowing he will never have a normal life but he could try to make life the best he can, and being here with Nick makes it the absolute best out of anything he could have ever imagined.
The bus pulls up, Charlie gets up holding Nick's hand pulling him into the bus.
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C "You want one?~"
Nick grabbing the air pod out of Charlie's hand, putting it in his ear,
N "Thank you sweetie~"
The day that I met you (by Matilda Mann) playing in his ears as Charlie cuddles into his boyfriend's shoulder. 
C "I love everything about you~ I want to be with you forever~"
N "Pinky swear?~"
Nick holds up his pinky, Charlie laughing to himself as he hooks his pinky into Nick's hand,
C "I will never break up with you~ I swear on my life"
Nick giggles and kisses Charlie's cheek. 
C "You have to say it to me!"
N "I swear to god I will never break up with you"
Nick pulls Charlie into a kiss, 
C "Nicky~"
The bus pulls up to their stop, Nick pulls Charlie up. 
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C "Come on~"
Charlie walks into the house Nick following behind him,
CM "Where have you been?! And why is he here?"
C "I was at his house, and he is spending the night,"
CM "And when did I say this was ok?"
C "You didn't, I did"
Charlie walks up the stairs hold Nick's hand, getting into his room slamming the door,
C "God! I hate her!"
N "I get it~ Is that like an everyday thing? The yelling?"
C "Yeah... I feel like she is blaming me for everything wrong... everything that happened to me..."
Nick wraps his arms around Charlie hugging him,
N "I'm sorry Sweetie~"
C "feel better kiss?"
N "fine~"
He pulls Charlie around kissing him, his hands running through Charlie's hair. 
N "I love your hair"
C "I love your everything~"
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