kept his promise of marriage

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Nick just lays there looking into Charlie's eyes,

C "I love you so much~"

Nick doesn't even speak he moves Charlie's hair out of his eyes, leaning forward to kiss Charlie's forehead, backing up and just staring into Charlie's brown eyes, the gold in the center twinkling slightly, The black dot in the top right corner on his left iris, His other eye sparkling perfectly in this light, the gold mixed with the light brown like dirt and gold in a mine, when Charlie blinks it brings him out of his somewhat trance.

N "I love you too~"

Nick moves his hand seemingly to forget what he was going to do with it and just placing his hand on charlie's cheek, rubbing his thumb against charlie's small eye bag,

N "I love you so much"

Woh! I think we need to back up to what lead to this,

Tori sits there patting a little makeup powder onto charlie's face,

T "Are you scared for today?"

C "Not as scared as you would expect"

Tori closes the powder opening a little powder blush, blending it into Charlie's cheek bones, Charlie's phone starts to buzz, he grabs it looking at who is calling, it's Sarha,

C "One sec- It's Nick's mom"

He gets up and walks away answering the call,

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S "Nick is literally freaking out"

C "Why would you tell me that! You know I can't come see him"

S "You can talk to him on the phone,"

There is some ruffling and movement on Sarha's end and then Charlie hears Nick's voice,

N "Char I'm freaking out right now"

C "In a good way? Or..."

N "Good way! Good way! I just can't wait to be you know,"

C "Married?~"

N "No shit dummy!"

Charlie hears Nick's mom yell at him for calling Charlie 'dummy' on their wedding day, Nick scoffs and keeps talking,

N "I love you so much"

C "Love you too dummy~"

N "I gotta get dressed,"

C "See you in 3 hours hubby~"

N "I'm not your hubby! Not yet!"

C "Bye hubby~"

N "Bye baby~"

Then the line goes dead,

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Charlie walks up to 13 year old Oliver,

C "Now you have the most important job-"

Charlie says in a slightly higher voice with his and his hands on his knees so he could be eye level with Oliver in his chair,

O "Please stop treating me like I'm five still, I know what I have to do hold the rings, I know,"

Oliver scrolls on his phone, charlie walks away slightly annoyed,

O "Hey! Wait dude!"

Charlie turns around and sees oliver walk up and hug him like he used to when Charlie just got together with Nick,

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