12) Set Tour?

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Leah's POV:

After the visit from Scarlett I can't help but try and eat as much as possible, she just has this effect on me. I've been eating at least half a sandwich and an apple a day which is making me feel so full but I know it's something. Even some of the doctors are as surprised as me. I haven't seen her for a while but I know she is probably busy so it doesn't matter.

My mind keeps going back to the short blonde, I've only talked to her twice but I can't seem to get her out of my head. My train of thought is broken when I hear the door to my room open, confused I lean slightly so I can see who is at my door. Finally I see Dr Karev walking through the door he seems to have a big smile on his face which is odd as he never smiles near me.

"Hello Leah, how are you?" I give him a curious look before replying.

"Fine, why are you here?" I ask bluntly.

"Straight to the point then, well the guys you met the other week are inviting you and some others to go and visit their set. That is if you are behaving." For some reason I doubt they want to invite a load of sick people to a rich ass company just to be nice.

"What's the catch?" He sighs before walking further in so he was standing in front of my bed.

"Well I would have to go with you and you would be using a wheelchair." There it is, I refuse to use a wheelchair I despise them, I don't need one why can't he get that.

"No." The bluntness of my reply doesn't seem to surprise him but he still looks just as determined.

"Scarlett will be there as well as Chris." If you do this I will stop nagging you all of the time and leave you with Grey how about that." I think about his offer, him leaving me alone sounds like heaven as he wouldn't be bothering me.

"Ugh fine." He smiles and nods his head before leaving without saying another word.

I can't believe I agreed to that, but I mean I can always just refuse to go if I don't want to. Although I'm kind of excited to see where and what they work on if I'm honest. It would be nice to leave this room however as I'm getting a little bored of seeing the same four walls all of the time.

I turn my attention back to the window as I watch the world outside, people rushing off to work, pigeons picking at the litter left over the floor. The homeless begging for money on the corner of the street, cars speeding down the road nearly hitting the cyclists who are no doubt trying not to get run over. The sun is shining through the white fluffy clouds lighting up the city.

I'm not sure how much time has gone until a nurse makes her way inside, she brings over her usual tools and checks my heart rate and all the rest, clearly bored of seeing me like the rest. I am incredibly bored in here, I think I need to find something to do. Maybe I could read a book, I could pick reading back up again or I could try and solve a puzzle or watch a movie? Hmm I'm not sure what to do.

Lizzie's POV:

I'm not sure what to do, my best friend is suffering and she doesn't even feel like she can say anything to me, I need to help her. Her family all seem to know and I think Hunter is going to say something to the police, whatever is going on in her home needs to be stopped. My mind is constantly occupied by her, I'm constantly worrying about her and every time we finish on set and she heads home I can only think at what she is heading home to.

I'm currently in the makeup trailer on set with Chris and Scar, we're getting ready to film the last scene of the day before we head home and I'm so relieved we are nearly finished. I've been on set for nearly eight hours so I'm about ready to leave. It's now nine at night so we are doing a small night shoot before heading home, we are supposed to be in an argument or something, I'm not entirely sure yet but I'm sure with just the three of us we can definitely get this done soon.

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