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Leah's POV:

I'm sat in bed as I'm waiting for breakfast to make its way round, well actually I'm waiting for the nurse that delivers breakfast. I do not want breakfast but I want to speak to nurse Nevin, my feeding tube is driving me crazy as it's clipped to my nose. I want it gone, and I can barely move my wrists.

Whoever is babysitting me never seems to want to talk to me, they always bring paperwork and do that. Which means whenever I want to talk to them they get frustrated because I'm distracting them from their work, but I just want to talk to someone in the shit hole. Im staring at the door waiting for nurses Nevin to come in, when I hear a deep sigh. I look over to the other person in the room and raise an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I ask wanting to know why such a loud and deep sigh was required.

"Well, believe it or not this is not the funnest job in the world, babysitting the runaway. So right now I just want to replacement to come so I can go." Ah right then, they just want to leave me like everyone else does so it's okay.

I just nod my head and stare at the door, after another ten minutes a trolley appears as it's entering my room. Nevin walks in and pulls up the side table, she places the breakfast in front of me and gives me a soft smile. Whilst I'm staring off into space I see another nurse walk in and the old one walk out, obviously switching places.

"Nevin. Please can we remove the nose clip it's driving me insane, it's so uncomfortable and my tube is driving me insane and on top of that I can't even move my wrists to reach the water." I complain desperately.

"I'm sorry Leah, I can't do anything. The nose clip has to stay in to ensure the feeding tube isn't removed again, and I can't loosen your restraints because then you might again remove your feeding tube. I get it's uncomfortable but you out yourself in this position and you know it. Maybe if you behaved yourself you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place." I roll my eyes as she tries to lecture me and again.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I turn to look out the window not wanting to look at her right now.

I'm just so tired and I've been here for so long and they just won't let me go. It's frustrating to be told I'm wrong all the time. I hear Nevin place the tray of food on my table which I completely ignore, knowing there is no way in hell I'm touching it. Whenever I eat in the morning it makes me feel sick so no thank you.

"Leah, are you gonna eat your breakfast?" I just shake my head in reply, not happy with her at the moment so I have decided I'm not going to speak to her.

"Fine I'll just connect it to your feeding tube." I knew she was going to anyway so there is no real surprise.

She takes a bag from the bottom of the trolley and hangs it up, the lead is attached and I watch as it slowly goes down the tube. I have to look away otherwise it makes me want to rip out the tube even more than before. Nevin leaves without another word, clearly upset with me as well but I have no idea why she is annoyed with me.

I decided I need to find a distraction so I want to people watch, someone will embarrass themselves eventually. I look out the window of my room and see that the cleaners are out today, they only come on Fridays and like in the afternoon or the evening not in the morning or on a Wednesday. I decide to watch on and notice that everyone's rushing around trying to clean the whole hospital. Hmm odd. Maybe I should ask the nurse who hasn't looked at me once.

"Hey, erm why is everyone cleaning the entire hospital?" I mumble keeping my gaze on the hallway I can see through the window.

"Well there are some celebrities coming to visit and they want it to be as clean as possible." Oh, well I know they always keep me away whenever they have visitors so I won't be meeting them I guess.

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