54) Move

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Leah's POV:

"During the birth there is a high chance of complications and we understand that, we also understand that Scarlett is wanting to try a natural birth so we will have an OR ready in case. I would also like to recommend that you both pack your bag, a bag you take to the hospital because Leah honey you are going to be there for a while sitting around and Scarlett will need as much comfort as possible. We have already written a birth plan and we will try and give you time to hold your babies but due the fact they will be premature they will they will not likely have to go in an incubator. And there is a higher possibility of the baby being breached. When you reach 30 weeks which is around 2 to 5 weeks before predicted labour we would attempt an ECV which is basically when we try and turn the baby but it might be too difficult. I'm not trying to scar you both but I want you to be aware of the possibilities that could happen.

Lastly is everything after the birth, well more specifically postnatal depression which is very common in mothers and we will keep an eye out on that. And Leah your girlfriend will come home in basically a diaper." My head snaps to Scarlett who just laughs her ass off
at my reaction, are they being serious?

"Okay thank you, but um the last one are you erm serious?" I ask feeling like an idiot.

"Oh absolutely serious honey." I nod my head and turn to Scarlett who just looks amused.

Being honest after listening to what Addison has said I'm a lot more nervous than before I mean there are so many things that could go wrong, I don't want Scarlett or the babies to get hurt or worse so I'm just a little bit worried, okay scratch that very worried. Scarlett seemed to notice my nerves as she takes my hand in her own and rubs my knuckles just like I do when she is nervous, and it calms me right down.

"Don't worry baby we have got it all sorted don't stress." I nodded my head as I knew she was right, she is always right.

Just as Scarlett went to get up she sat back down again. She looks up and down against her stomach but doesn't say anything, she scrunches her eyebrows as she places her hand on her belly. My eyes flicker between her face and her stomach as I don't know what's going on, I look around and try to see what's going on but she isn't telling me anything!

"Scar baby what is it?" I ask her as panic builds a little.

Instead of saying anything she just takes my hand and places it on her belly, I look up at her wondering what she is doing when I feel a small pressure against my hand. One of them is kicking. Oh god I haven't been able to feel them, Scarlett always says they kick her during the night keeping her awake but I can feel them. I can feel the babies! Oh god it feels amazing. I rub my thumb over the little thud as I can't get enough of the little kick the babies are doing.

After a couple minutes the kicking stops, allowing me to focus back on getting us back home, so I grab the bag we take with us and get ourselves back into the car.

Once we arrive home, me and Scarlett don't have much time as we need to move our boxes, we had decided for Lizzie's sanity as well as a bit of her dating life that we would move into Scarlett's house, I was a little reluctant at first but once Scarlett had told me that she wanted me to move in with her and that I should be with her considering how long I have spent looking after her, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat.

I had spent a while packing up boxes, and I can't believe how many boxes I had packed most of Scarlett's and all of Rose's clothes I mean they had more clothes than a shop it was kind of funny. I had labelled all the boxes as well as numbered, that was more for my entertainment than needing to be done, I had in total 11 boxes of everything, so clothes, computers and books, lots of books. Rose had a good 30 odd boxes, I do admit I think a third were toys and then a few things like pull-ups and diapers but the rest were clothes and Scarlett definitely came out on top with everything reaching a solid 42 boxes. I mean how can so much fit into the small room she had I mean I'm clueless but anyway we have a van hired so that we can move all of our stuff.

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