39) Over

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Scarlett's POV:

I don't know what she is up to but it's breaking my heart I mean why would she want me anyway. I should have known she wouldn't want me I mean who would someone who has a toddler and then a baby on the way? Maybe she just realised that I'm not going to be able do the normal stuff. I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant and you can't really see anything yet but still. Maybe she has figured out that she doesn't want someone like me, I mean I am used.

I just like her so much and it hurts to think she doesn't like me the same way, maybe I should try and just let her gos now I mean it would be easier for her if I just say no. Today she has disappeared again I mean how can she be gone again and this time it's been a few hours. I honestly am so confused I mean she took me on dates and I mean she is my girlfriend, she has taken me and Rose out and she has been trying so hard with her. I mean I don't know what I am supposed to do.

I haven't been having many symptoms if I'm being honest, i have had some tiredness and cramping but that's it. Oh and I always need the bathroom and I mean always. My stomach is still pretty flat I mean I can't see any difference I don't think. God I just have so much going on in my head I mean it's all so nerve wracking.

I hear the front door opening again meaning that Leah must be back from her walk, or wherever she has been. In frustration I storm out of my room and open the door, I go straight to the living room which is where Leah is and out of rage I shout at her.

"Leah where the hell have you been? Don't give me some worry ass excuse of going on a walk I'm not believing your bullshit." My outburst seems to catch everyone off guard as Leah and Lizzie are stood there in shock.

"Woah Scar I'm not going anywhere? What do you think I'm doing huh?" She asks trying to be as calm as possible.

"Oh I don't know. What am I supposed to think when you just leave the house for hours at a time." I snap back in reply.

"Hang on. Do you. You think I'm cheating?" She asks me with surprise in her eyes and a little bit of hurt on her face.

"Well I don't know, you lied about going on walks and I don't know what you could be doing that you can't tell me." I explain the frustration rising in me.

"Scarlett you seriously think I'm cheating on you just say it!" She shouts, and it's the first time she has ever raised her voice at me.

"I do okay I do, I don't know what to think when you're sneaking off. I mean I don't know what you would want I mean I'm me. Who wants some used body. I'm used you can't fix that. So clearly you just don't want me anymore." I rant, shouting across the room. I don't want to show myself like this but I need to.

"You know what fuck you." She slams her hand on the table in anger, she laps around the room and I can practically see the anger boiling off her body.

"You know what I have been doing Scarlett? I have been trying to get a job. I have been going to interviews and walking around cafes and shops applying for jobs. And you want to know why I am applying for a job. Huh? Well I have a job in a shop as a waitress to pay for something for you. I don't have a natural flow of income so I got a job to buy you something and so I could move out so that I would buy out of your way. But fuck you for thinking I would ever cheat on you. I'm not him, so don't accuse me of things that he might have done, or whatever you think he has done." She storms out of the house in a fit of anger, whilst I'm stood there frozen. Oh god, what have I done. I was so sure she was cheating, but how could I think that I mean this is Leah she is so loving.

I turn to look at Lizzie who just jumps out of her seat and pulls me into her arms, I simply fall into her letting her hold me up as I cry. She rubs my back providing me with the comfort I so desperately needed.

Rescued by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now