16) Reality

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Rose's POV:

The phone rings as I wait for them to answer. I can feel my stomach turn a little as I rush over to my mommy, I hold her finger that's laid on the ground desperate for my mommy to wake up. Suddenly I hear a voice on the end of the phone.

"911, how may I help?"

"My mommy is hurwt." I cry to the lady.

"Okay, do you know where you live honey?"

"Nooo." I cry

"What's your name?"

"Wose." I cry looking at mommy.

"Okay I'm tracking you now, how old are you?"

"Twoo. Hewp mommy." I cry to her not understanding why she can't help.

"I know, can you check if your mommy is breathing?" I rush over to mommy I hold my ear to her mouth and feel the tickles.

"Mhm mommy is."

"Well done your doing a great job. I need you to do one more thing, can you open your door so some of my friends can help your mommy?" Mommy said not open the door for strangers. What do I do?

"Mommy said not to fwor stwangers."

"They're going to help your mommy, the door needs to be open though." Deciding I should Listen to the lady I waddle over to the door and use my stairs to open the lock. I move away from the door and pull it open.

"Are you still there honey?"

"Mhm I'm hewe."

Okay, my friends should be there any second okay. Let me know when they are there." Suddenly I see a big van make their way over and park right outside the house.

"They hewe."

"Okay you listen to them okay, I need to go but they are going to help."

"Mhm." I mumble to her when the phone ends.

A man and woman rush over to me as I stand in the doorway, unsure as to what they will do. The woman bends down so she's not towering over me and looks at me with sad eyes.

"Hey are you Rose? My friend said your mommy needed some help" I nod my head.

"Mommy." I point to in my house.

"Okay can you show."

I nod and waddle as fast as I can to mommy who is still laid on the floor. The man and woman rush over to mommy and begin to look after her. I watch as they look over mommy, when I realise mommy isn't wearing anything. I rush to the couch and pull a blanket off, I drag it over and pull it on top so it covers mommy. She needs to be safe. The lady looks at me with sad eyes but she doesn't say anything.

"Okay Rose we need to move your mommy, she needs to go to a hospital. Is it okay you come with us?" I nod my head to the man, who gestures for me to stay close. I do exactly what mommy says for me to do and hold on to the corner of his shirt.

They roll mommy onto this plastic thing that gets put onto a bed on wheels. And they walk her to the van that says am-ambuance. They go in through the back door, the lady stays with me and mommy while the man drives. They even put on the big sirens.

The lady puts a weird mask over mommy's face and begins attaching wires and weird stuff, which makes me sceptical. I am glad they kept the blanket on mommy to cover her, I don't think mommy would want people to see her nakey.

Mommy looks so pale, and has lots of bruiseys on her. May she fell like I do sometimes when I play at the park. Mommy gives me a hug to make me feel better. She needs a hug. I clamber on to her bed and give her a big hug. The lady looks at me with her sad eyes again as she keeps watching mommy. I keep myself settled on mommy and rest my head on her stomach, because she has bruiseys on her chest.

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