46) Swimming

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Scarlett's POV:

When Leah was putting the sunscreen on my back and thighs I couldn't help but have inappropriate thoughts running through my head. She managed to turn me on in front of everyone and I was so embarrassed.

Thankfully she left me alone and let me just lay against her chest, she was so comforting just to lay against. I could feel as her chest raised and lowered making me settle into her hold even more, we watched Rose as she played with all of the other kids, she has been friends with Robert's kids for a long time so I am glad they still get on.

After another half an hour Rose comes running over to me and Leah practically jumping up and down in her spot. Leah and I laugh a little until she whines clearly trying to get us to help her in whatever she needs but we can't help but laugh a little. Finally we wait for her to explain what she wants, which is when we find out she wants to go swimming with the other kids, but the issue is I don't want her to go in the pool unless she has an adult with her, I mean Rose is two she can't swim on her own and I don't want to risk something going wrong.

"Okay Rosie you can go swimming if I come in with you." Rose nods her head in agreement as he wiggles around waiting for me to get her ready.

I am already in my shirt and bikini so I just undress her so that she is in her swimsuit when I see that she is in an identical swimsuit, I look over to Leah who has a sky smirk, she definitely planned this one. Once she is in her swimsuit I make sure to put her floaties on and that they are secure. After that we are finally ready to get in, I walk us over to the steps, but when I turn around Leah is walking behind me as if she is joining me in the pool.

I get into the pool first before looking up to Rose who is fidgeting on the spot as she desperately wants to get in the water. I stand at the edge of the water and lift my hands so that she is basically in my hands, she crouches down so I can lift her in. As soon as I put her in the water she squeals in excitement before shivering at how cold the water is on her skin.

She plays a little until I hear a massive splash behind me, we all look over to see Leah's head pop up from under the water and all the kids are cheering her on from the poolside, I can't help but laugh as she climbs out of the pool, only then do I see that she is indeed only in her bikini and no shirt, she looks amazing as she climbs out of the pool.

I hold Rose on my hip as she smiles at me seeing as she was also impressed with Leah's jump into the pool. We stand to the side as we walk back and forth in the water when we see Leah is lining up to jump into the pool, she sets off and runs as fast as she could even though everyone's knows not to run on the poolside and as soon as her feet leave the pool the does a backflip into the pool making my jaw drop as I had no idea she could do that.

She comes up to the surface and swims over towards me and Rose, Rose is desperate to see Leah and talk to her about how cool her trick into the water was. I let her swim the last little bit knowing she was in arms reach of someone if she struggled, as soon as he reached Leah she picked her up and threw her in the air before blowing raspberry's and making her laugh. As she does this she is slowly walking over to me as I lean against the side of the pool.

"That was pretty impressive." She just smirks at me before turning to Rose and playing with her, I take this as my opportunity to take a break as make sure Leah is okay with looking after Rose before exiting the pool and sitting on the sun bed.

I let myself relax as I watch everyone playing in the pool, soon all of the adults join in trying to show off cool jumps and everything which will definitely lead to someone being injured, just not me. I'm the only one left sitting on the poolside and I really don't have the energy to swim much right now I think exhaustion is hitting me right about now as I feel my eyes drifting to sleep. I'm suddenly interrupted by Chris Hemsworth as he shouts my name, I look up to him unsure as what he wants.

Rescued by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now