63) Fuck you

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Scarlett's POV:

"It's my body No." I snap at Leah, I hadn't meant for it to be so sharp but I'm not stopping. I know I'm not supposed to be using weights but I'd need to get my body back to where it was before.

I take the weight and start to continue my exercises when the weight is taken out of my hands, I turn to the side to see Leah is stood next to me with the plate in her hand. What on earth is she doing.

"Leah give me the fucking weight." I demand her, I want the weight so that I can get back to my exercises.

"No baby, you're going to hurt yourself and I can't have you hurting yourself please listen to me I'm begging you." I stand up from my seat and raise my eyebrow.

"Fuck you, if I want to exercise then I will. Your body is fine, mine is all messed up and fat. I need to get back to where it was before." I shout back getting even more frustrated with her behaviour than earlier.

"No baby your body is amazing it did an amazing thing, I know you might not like it right now but it takes time please don't hurt yourself." Ugh why can't she just let me workout. I saw her watching me whilst on the treadmill.

"Fuck off." I say before snatching Rose out of her hands wand walking up the stairs, Rose pouts a little as she wanted to go see Leah but I just didn't want to be near her right now. I mean I need to get my body back to the way it was so that she will like it I mean who would like someone which so much excess skin and baby weight. Once I'm back and fit then she will like me again.

I go straight up to my room and place Rose in her soft room which I can leave her in. I decide to grab a shower since Leah had topped my workout, maybe I will have I workout in the night or something. I mean people won't hire me if I'm not fit.

After a quick shower I go to grab Rose from the soft room but to my surprise she wasn't there, I walk around the house trying to find her, my panic rising as I don't know where my baby girl is. I walk into the living room but she isn't there either. Just as I'm about to check the dining room I hear my little girls giggles, I walk into the laundry room and smile softly at what I see. Leah is throwing Rose up and down whilst she giggles I listen a little not wanting to be creepy.

"Weah why mommy sad?" I can watch as Leah throws one of my shirts over Rose's face before pulling it quickly away.

"Well baby you mommy has been through lots with your sisters and is just a little stressed. But she will be okay, I think she is just a little worried on how she looks but she's beautiful isn't she bug." Leah says making tears well in my eyes at her word.

"Mhm mommy pwetty." Rose mumbles as she tries to help Leah with folding the dry clothes.

"Yes very pretty, but having a baby can make you worry about how she looks so we just need make sure mommy knows how pretty she is hmm." Oh good, what is she doing to me.

"Yah, can I make her a carwd?" Rose is so sweet.

"Of course baby. Let Leah finish this then we can." Rose nods her head as she attempts to fold the clothes again, however not so tidy but it's the thought that counts.

I decide to leave them be and take a seat in the living room, I never meant to be rude but I guess my head got in the way. But how can I believe what Leah is saying, what if it's all a lie? I put the radio on and just lay down, maybe I should have a sleep. I'm so tired and I want to have a sleep, I move the pillow to the arm of the couch and lay down sideways resting my head on the pillow.

Leah's POV:

We move to Rose's room so she can get her arts and crafts, she is so excited to make Scarlett a card so we are pretty excited to get it ready.she has ran ahead of me so that she could 'prepare her paper and pens'.

Rescued by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now