53) Massage

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Scarlett's POV:

My emotions feel as though they are all over the place, I mean one minute I'm crying on Leah's shoulder and then the next I'm happy as ever and it's so exhausting. Right now I am sat in the room waiting for my 16 week check up and I am getting used to them again now, with Rose I didn't have nearly as many but with the triplets having them every two weeks can be quite a lot.

With this appointment I'm being offered a vaccine for whooping cough which I am definitely getting, as well as have a few tests done so it will be fun. Notice my sarcasm, I hate needles, with a passion. Leah has honestly been great I mean I definitely planned on missing this appointment but Leah had dragged me in here and I currently blocking my way out. I would definitely bolt out of the room if I could.

"Hello everyone. How are we feeling?" Dr Montgomery asks me as she sits down in front of me with a smile.

"I'm good thank you, definitely feel pregnant I have to admit." She laughs at my joke and nods her head.

"Okay so we will first weigh you and then I will give you the vaccine I know you have been dreading. So if you would like to first hop onto the scale." I stand up and make my way over to the scale, I'm hoping I have gained more weight and that I haven't lost anything. I just want to be the correct weight.

"Oh wow, well done Scarlett you've gained back that little bit of weight you had lost. Well done. Okay good, you can step off now." I step off the machine and dress myself again.

"Okay Scarlett, if I could have you pee in this cup for me I can look at your protein levels." I nod my head and grab the cup, taking a long swig of water to try and make myself need the bathroom even more before doing inside and owing my business.

I hand over the cup when I come out of the bathroom and take my seat back on the bed, she takes out the blood pressure cuff on my upper arm. After she had taken the reading she wrote down all the numbers in my ever growing file. I can't tell whether my blood pressure has improved or decreased since the last time but I'm hoping it hasn't gotten worse.

"Okay Scarlett Leah, her blood pressure has stayed the same telling me your body is just adjusting having to support for so many. As long as it stays there or if it gets better then I won't make you take any medication." Relieved I smile and nod my head.

"Okay, if you would like to lay down on the bed for me? And we will give you an ultrasound." I nod and sit myself up onto the bed, she prepares the ultrasound and I can all three of them. Two of them are even holding each other's hands which is so adorable.

"Okay, they are looking good, they are growing well in size for triplets. Right now they are around the size of an avocado for reference." I nod my head and take the images that she prints off for us making me smile as I can see all of my babies at once. She cleans away the machine and everything, as well as moving a table over to me.

"Right Scarlett, time for the vaccine." Oh no thank you. I go to stand up get away but Leah was too quick. She wraps her arm around my body holding me on the bed, I try and get past her but she uses her whole body to hold me in position. My head snaps over to Dr Montgomery who has the needle in her hand, she comes up next to me.

"No Leah, please. Please make me." I whine as I tug on her sleeve. I watch as Dr Montgomery stands next to me and takes the cap off the needle, she moves my sleeve on my shirt up revealing my upper arm. I shake my head, I know I had asked Leah to do this for me and that I had opted for the vaccine but now I regret it.

"Owww." I whimper as the needle enters my skin, I can feel Leah's hand rubbing up and down my arm trying to comfort me but I slowly calm down realising that they have finished.

Rescued by Scarlett JohanssonWhere stories live. Discover now