33) Adorable

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Scarlett's POV:

As Chris and Lizzie sprinted upstairs I wondered where Leah was, I can't help the panic that is forming in my chest. Please tell me Rose is just hiding somewhere and we can all relax. We all storm into her room and begin looking in every corner of the room, I just can't find her, I can feel the nerves increasing and my breathing quickening. Lizzie quickly realised what was happening as she pulled me to sit down and held onto my hands.

"Hey Scarlett, I need you to blow on my face okay. Blow on my face just like this." She blows on her face causing my eyes to flutter slightly at the feeling of her breath hitting my eyelashes. I try to blow back but here's no air for the to blow out. I try again but nothing comes out. The panic only rising in me further as I keep trying.

Until finally I manage to blow a small amount onto Lizzie's face, she breaks out into a huge smile at the feeling of me being able to blow onto her face, I try again and manage to breath out a little more air. I keep going until I am breathing normally and it doesn't feel like my lungs are being squeezed stopping the air from entering or exiting my lungs. I feel her thumb rubbing a stray tear that had fallen down my cheek.

"Well done Scarlett that's great, I know your stressed but I need you to calm down for me okay. We will find her, let's check the other rooms she might have just ended up in another room you know that she likes a good wonder around." I nod my head and slowly stand up, I need to find her, otherwise I don't think I will be able to relax until I know she is safe. In reality I know she hasn't left the house as the door is locked but that doesn't stop the bad thoughts from entering my mind.

We all make our way into Lizzie's room I see if she has ended up in there but she wasn't in there either. I know that Leah is still asleep, how I have no idea considering I had screamed earlier. But I need to check her room, I carefully pull open the door and pop my head into the gap. And there she is. My little Rosebud has her head laid against Leah's chest and has it resting in her neck. From the looks of it she takes after me and is basically laying directly on top of Leah, her arms wrapped around Leah's neck and her legs either side of her waist. It looks as though Leah had fallen asleep resting against the headboard which I can imagine isn't comfortable or good for her.

"Scar are they in there?" Lizzie whispers to me, I close the door and nod my head. She gives me a confused look, clearly asking for me to explain. I open the bedroom door enough for both Lizzie and Chris to be able to see before closing the door again.

"That is so fucking adorable." Lizzie practically squeals.

I'm guessing Rose has woken up in the middle of the night or something and Leah heard. It definitely settles some of my nerves for each night, I was worried that no one would hear if she was crying her eyes out but clearly she would be picked up easily. Rose still has a bed with the railing that is able to be moved up and down depending on how old she gets, I know she knows how to move it but when she does it makes an extremely loud noise so either she was heard by Leah or Leah had let her out. I am happy with either of those options, I trust Leah. I usually wouldn't trust people with Rose as she is the most important person in my life but something about Leah makes me want to trust her.

Me, Chris and Lizzie all make our way downstairs after catching our breath back, Chris had decided that he would stay until lunch before making his leave. I know I can always come to Chris when I need help and he proved that today.

Speaking of Chris I need to remember to ask him to watch Rose for me. Both Leah and I have a hospital check up on the same day just at different times and I know that Leah's will take a little longer than mine. But she has been making such huge progress, she has been improving in huge amounts. She used to refuse to touch a piece of food whereas now she will eat most things, I know she still keeps an eye on what she eats but that all comes in due time.

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