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Scarlett's POV:

God what's wrong with my baby, I knew something wasn't quite right. I'm so worried. Leah's thumb wipes away my tears as she squeezes my hand tightly. I can feel my heart rate increasing every second longer we wait for her to come back inside. Why must it take her so long I mean. And if she needs to have someone else to have a look it can't mean anything good. I mean nothing about this is good, I am pregnant with that awful man's child and now there is something wrong with the baby.

"Scarlett it's all going to be okay, whatever it is we will figure it out together." She kisses my forehead before we are interrupted by the door opening again. Leah pulls away and in walks three new doctors plus Dr Montgomery.

"I'm sorry, I just need to have a few other pairs of eyes to confirm." We both just look at each other before nodding as she takes the wand again and start the ultrasound again. She moves it back into the same place as before. I can see all the doctors look at me in surprise.

"Does the patient have a history of twins in their family?" One of the other doctors asks Dr Montgomery. Why would that matter I don't get it? I can feel the panic rising in my head as I feel myself unsure at what is happening. Dr Montgomery keeps looking at the screen as she tries to make sure what she is seeing is correct.

"Can we all agree that it's three." All the other doctors agree with her and I'm still so confused, is there three things wrong with the baby? Oh no I don't know what to do I just, so much is going on right now and it's all so stressful.

"Can you tell us what is going on you are scaring my girlfriend." Leah snaps a little which catches all four of the doctor's attention, we both look to Dr Montgomery for an answer to which she smiles softly.

"Sorry girls it's just the first time we've seen it here and it's very exciting." I look up to Leah as the fear I had slowly dissipates and fills with curiosity instead.

"Well Scarlett, Leah I would like to congratulate you. Scarlett when we spoke about you being a twin and how there is a possibility of twins well it also massive increases the opportunity for triplets. Congratulations Scarlett you're expecting triplets." I have no idea what I'm supposed to say. Just what the fuck kind of joke is this.

"Oh my fuck, three? Of fuck I'm sorry but fuck three. Oh my fucking god I have three growing in me? I'm gonna have to push three bowling balls out of my fucking vagina? Oh my fuck." All the doctors are smiling at me but before I can say anything else I can feel the food I tried to keep down earlier making it's way back up.

"Shit imma puke." All the doctors take a second to realise what I had said before they quickly run and grab a trash can for me to vomit into. This seems to catch Leah's attention as she turn to me and start rubbing my back. I vomit a little more before I finally finish. I look up to them all with a raised eyebrow.

"You have got to be fucking around with me or joking, I can't have three inside me." I look over to Leah who is smiling softly at me before looking back to the doctors in the room.

"Sorry Scarlett but we are certain, there are three gestational sacs. So yes there are three. It probably explains why you are showing so soon." I nod my head as I try to register that I have three babies not one. I mean one is expensive but three my god I mean I have not idea what I'm going to do. The other doctors all make their leave as they are talking about the fact there are triplets going to arrive at the hospital.

"Okay, so I know this I big news for the two of you, but we need to go through the risks with having three. There is a lot more that comes with this, starting with I'm sorry but you will have to have the babies here. It is extremely rare for the babies to be born via a vaginal birth and are most commonly birthed via c-section, this is because they almost always come premature and need extra care. We will need to increase the check ups to twice a week and then when we get closer to the due date we will go to every week. When I say they may come premature we are talking about 32-35 weeks. I understand this is a lot of information and I will provide you with a large pack full of information that you can read in your time. I do have to let you know it is extremely rare for all three to be identical. The chance in 1 in a million." I nod my head as I tried to take as much of the information in as possible even though I'm sure I will forget some of it.

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