26. Lies Be Told

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Alyssa is out, out with her ladies. In the room Aegon is the only one present, he walks over to the small table by the balcony and pours a cup of wine, the almost black liquid running down the cup and filling to the top. He had tried not to drink so much, but it was only around Alyssa. When she was gone and lonleyness consiumed him he drank.

He brought the cup to his mouth and was just about to sit down when there was a knock on the door "come in if you must" he called and the door opened, the clang of armor was heard behind him as the person entered.

"My prince"

"What do you want ser criston?"

"Your mother, Queen Alicent requests your presence"

He tilted his head back to exhale loudly "tell her i am very buisy"

"I'm afraid it's greatly inportant my prince, the queen wishes to see you emmediatly" Aegon rolled his eyes, took a large swig, and rose unhappily to accompany Ser Criston to his mother's chambers.


"And then he just fell down to the floor, after just two cups of wine" said Joanna as the whole group started to laugh. Alyssa thought it really fun to listen to stories about her ladies failed proposals.

"None of the men i've met has ever been enything but daft, handsome, absolutly, but smart, no" the group burts out in laughter once more and Cassandra walked up to Alyssa tangling her arm in Alyssa's.

"How about you then, Alyssa? Hmm"

She chuckled nervously and shook her head, there had been no need for proposals since she had been betrothed to Aegon most of her life.

"No, I-I was promise to Aegon when i was a child, proposals from other's where never nessecary."

"You are Lucky, so much one can do with your days, but instead you sit and listen to boys offering gold for your hand" Mariell expressed.

Alyssa shot a quick glance towards the castle and remembered that she had promised the Queen to meet before supper and the hour was growing late.

"I apologize, ladies. But i promised the Queen to meet this afternoon, but i promise to meet you again before my departure to dragonstone"

All of the nodded and Alyssa turned towards the castle, her guard following behind her as she rushed towards the door's


"Tanya, have our dinner brought to mine and the Prince's chambers tonight, we will dine together, and don't brother to i form the Queen i Will do so myself" Alyssa ordered as she hastly strode towards the Queen's chamber Tanya smiled at her and nodded happily "Of course, Princess, right away"

As Tanya waltsed away to the kitchen, Alyssa and ser Noah kept walking to the Queen's chamber. For she had promised Alicent to do some embroidery and chat before supper, and although she was exited about chatting with the queen, she was even more so about The supper with Aegon. They had been dining together meny Times before, but it did not feel the same, it felt more special this time, probably becuas he had asked, it was not something that he had been ordered to do.

As she neared the Queen's chamber she turned to ser Noah and motioned for him to stay where he stood. She walked towards the door, ready to open when she heard Alicent's voice, she sounded infuryated. Alyssa moved a bit closer to the door to hear what was said to hear Aegon as well, and it did not seem as ether of them where pleased. At all.

"This is not about what eny of you want, we can not always do as we wish. You have to preform your duty as a husband and have heirs of your own"

Alyssa pressed her ear to the wooden door to hear more and their voices grew stronger and stronger. "I have done everything you have asked me to-"

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