27. A New Friend

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It was early in the morning when Alyssa woke up from a dreadful sleep that is debatable as to whether she even got. She looked around the room, a little confused as to why she slept there and not in Aegon's chamber, but the previous events came to her as clear as a day when she had to wake up and think about what had happened.

She got up from the bed, a little stiff from the hard mattress that she had never noticed was so uncomfortable until she got married but that wasn't her biggest problem with the room. It felt cold and abandoned, a thought that she might have been ill hit her, but she would have felt it more strongly if that was the case.

The door opened quickly, frightening her on the spot, thinking it was Aegon or someone else she didn't want to talk to. But to her luck, it was Tanya who came into the room with a rather gloomy look on her face but Alyssa didn't have time to ask what it was before she put her arms around her.

Tanya had felt like a sister to her for years, when she was older and taller it was like holding a big sister who is always there for you, which she clearly was. "How do you feel, Aly?" she asked into her hair.

She had told her everything the day before, which in a way motivated her to pack her things at a rather faster pace, which she was very grateful for.

"I'm better now" Her answer came out in a low tone as if what she was talking about was secret "I will meet my family again"

"I heard that the prince was outside this room yesterday by Sir Noah, he wanted to see you but wasn't let inside." she told her "Would you like to see him before you go."

Alyssa formed her lips into a thin line as her gaze was lowered down to the floor "No" She shook her head "no I shall not. We leave now, immediately"

Tanya nodded slowly, giving her some time to think the decision through, but she didn't seem to change her mind so Tanya grabbed Alyssa's cloak, helping her dress. "Let's go then"


No sooner had the sun risen than Alyssa, Tanya, and Sir Noah walked toward the carrige that would take her to the ship as the Queen Having arranged for her, behind her came three other servants who loaded the wagon with two bags and blankets because of the cold weather.

"We're all set now princess," Tanya anounced, helping her into the carriage while Sir Noah saddled himself on a horse that would follow her safely to the docks.

The two ladies sat down on either side of the slightly smaller wagon before it started rolling. It was like the day she returned to kings landing again but this time she was going to leave and spend a few blissful weeks with her family.

"Do you think that the Queen will be angered by your sudden departure?" Tanya asked.

"There is no sudden departure, she has known about this journey a long time. For the record, she is not my mother, i don't understand half the fuss she makes about everything" she declared "Don't do that, do it but definitely don't do that, it's too much, it's too little, are you pregnant? Have you met the maester?" she imitated the queen's every order, which bothered her most in the pious woman.

"And... Prince Aegon?" Tanya's question came out carefully when she noticed how annoyed Alyssa was to talk about that whole family.

"He can do whatever the fuck he wants, I do not care enymore" The carrige stopped and Sir Noah opened the door for her to step out. The morning breeze hits her face as she steps out and walks towards the ship. Waching the ship swing back and forth made her feel sick, she had dreaded the journey back to Kings Landing and now she would have to spend this whole day and the whole night to arrive.

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