29. Back In The Snake Pit

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How the hell is it that the lack of one person can make everything you do so depressing. Eating, sleeping, even being in their fucking chamber It's so dreadful when you know no one is going to enter.

The wine is cold against his throat when it slips down, the amount of wine he has consumed is and remains a mystery to the world. Since Alyssa left Kings Landing without so much as a word, although he could understand why. Everything has just been like a huge hole that can't be filled without her. She's been gone for two horrible weeks, he should be happy, should be happy to have his own room back, the opportunity to do whatever he wants, but now that he's attached to having her there, he doesn't want to know about a life where she's not. It was as if her presence filled a hole that had existed throughout his whola life And he realized how lonely his life had been before they got married.

All the voices in his head and thoughts fell silent when the hidden door creaked open and a well-known woman with long dark curls entered. For a second, he had hoped it was Alyssa, but to his disappointment, Fallon was there instead.

He took his eyes off the door and looked again through the window, trying to ignore the female presence in his room. Fallon's footsteps could be heard as she got closer and closer and before he knew it, she put her hands on his chest from behind, burying her head in his neck. He immediately stiffened and shifted in the chair he was sitting in.

Never in his life had his touch felt as wrong as it did now.

She lifted her head from his neck and caressed his cheek. Her dark eyes looked down into his but his were not filled with lust as they had been for so many years.

"My prince, it has been a long time since you visited me. I decided to surprise you" She whispered for just him to hear, but that voice wasn't the same as the one he could listen to for hours.

"Where's your wife, heard that she left for the dragonstone" Aegon looked down into his cup and swiped the last of what was inside. If Fallon was confused by his resistance, she didn't show it, she just smiled.

"You're not that talkative, well, I've worked on that before" she whispered, bringing her lips to his. He closed his eyes and tried to lose himself to her touch, but everything in him screamed.

Get off, get off, get off.

He pulled himself away from her and stood up. She stood up as well and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. It took a while for Aegon to find his voice.

"Leave, Fallon" was all he could say. Out, out, out.

"Aegon? What's the problem?"

"Just go away"

He looked at her, seeing her eyes enlarge in realizeation. "It's that woman, isn't it?"

"I said go away"

"She'll never love you like I do, you'd rather have someone who knows what they're doing."

He froze at the sentence, the same sentence he had said to his mother. The reason why Alyssa wasn't there with him at this very moment.

"I don't want to see you anymore, go, don't come back. Ever"

Her eyes were watery when she finally turned to leave him there alone with her voices and thoughts all over again. Aegon sat back down in his chair and tilted his head back, the voice in his head repeating the same thing over and over again.

Come home, come home, come home.


"Does that sound reasonable? Jace asks, playing around with the little dagger that some servant has forgotten to put away.

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