32. Let's Stay

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The next day Alyssa woke up with a smile, Aegon's arms where wrapped around her bare body as she reste her head on his chest. She beheld his relaxed face and chest, going up and down as he breathe.

"I can see your dazzeling smile even with my eyes closed" He mummered tiredly, slowly opening his eyes to meet hers. "My Aly"

She beamed uncontrolebly at the scentence as he reached out his hand to brush his nuckles over her cheek.

"My Aly"

"Good morrow, husband"

"How can it be enything but a good morrow with you here, naked beside me" He smirked as Alyssa chuckled lightly. "Well, I'm sure we'll have to go soon enyway" she said about to get up when Aegon grabbed her arm to drag her down.

"Let's stay here a little while longer" He grinned before kissing her shoulder, her neck and chest. "We will be late for breakfast"

"Who cares about breakfast when the dessert is right here?" He kissed her shoulder and then her neck. She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was as if everything that had happened before just disappeared and they were now together, finally. Aegon moves his hands along the outline of her chin, jaw and lips, his gaze locking with her eyes.

"I've missed you" he whispers, pulling her closer to him.

"I've had sleepless nights, not knowing what you were doing or when you would come back" he murmurs and leans closer to her mouth.

The Prince keeps looking into her eyes, his violet orbs taking in the sight before him, of her beauty, her delicacy, of this goddess that was before him.

Aegon caresses her hair, his hands moving through her silver tresses as he draws her head closer to him. As the two faces draw closer, Aegon lowers his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, passionately, his hands running down her back and grabbing her hips, pulling her body even more tightly against his.

"You know" Aegon mumbles between the kisses, pulling away for a moment to look at her, his lips brushing her cheek, "there is something I need to do this morning."

Alyssa looked at him with a smile on her face, yesterday she had expected a life of solitude, a life with a man who doesn't love her but today she was lying there in bed with him while he kissed her as if it was the air he breathed.

"And what might that be, husband?" He caressed her cheek a few more times, his voice still hoarse.

"That is a secret, my sweet. You will find out in a few moments" he answers, rubbing her back with his hands. "You just have to lay back and trust me"

For a few seconds he looks directly into her eyes, his eyes seem to be asking for her trust. She found this a perfect moment to tease him a little "I'm afraid I do not understand what you mean"

The prince draws her closer to continue to move his hands along her waist. "Come on, come here" He whispers and pulls her closer. His lips meet hers hungrily once more. "I want you"

She was more than happy to comply and leaned into his embrace untill she heard a knock on the door.

Alyssa pulled the blanket to cover herself, and to get Aegon of of her but he remained on top. "Aegon" she hissed, but he didn't budge. He looked down at her and grinned at her wide-open eyes, as if they had done something scandalous.

"Come in if you have to!" Aegon shouted, glancing at Alyssa before the door opened and Tanya walked in. She looked like she had seen a ghost when she saw Aegon on top of her. Tanya bowed to them and cleared her throat, her eyes on the floor.

"The queen wants you at breakfast," she said, trying to supress her laugh.

"Bring it here instead, we are busy"

Tanya bowed quickly and left as quickly as possible. The door quickly closed behind her. Alyssa looked up at him and slapped him on the arm.

"They should learn how to knock" Aegon says in disapproval, clicking with his tongue. Still keeping his body pressed against hers. His hand moves along her stomach, then down to her thigh, slowly caressing her body with his hands as his eyes meet hers once more.

"It's not as if we are doing something shameful" Aegon remarks, moving his lips to kiss your neck once more.

"Are you mad!? Why did you let her in?!"

"Don't worry, we're husband and wife. I could have taken you in the middle of the corridor and no one would dare voice their opinion."

"It's probably not appropriate for them to see us like this."

Aegon chuckled and smiled. "Nothing I will do with you will be deemed approapriate, my love."

They lay in silence for a while, only content with each other's company. The door opened again, and servants came into the room with food. When they had all left, Alyssa stood from the bed and made her way towards the table. She may enjoy the intimate company of her husband but she would not turn down breakfast.

Aegon looked at her puzzled for a moment as she stood to walk away, then realizes the situation and gets up. The prince approaches her from behind, wrapping his arms around her body once more, caressing her sides and holding her tightly against him.

"We haven't finished yet." he whispered in her ear, making her laugh and turn around. "I am starved, let's eat first and then spend the rest of the day in bed."

"I'm not that easy to be bought" he grunted, "Besides I've been longing for you ever since you left for dragonstone , I want a little something first " Aegon whispered between the kisses, squeezing her body tighter.

She bit the inside of her cheek, standing on her toes to come closer to his face. Their lips almost touched "Then... You will have to catch me."

She Pushed him away from her to get a bit of a head start when she started running.

Aegon laughed out loud and a playful grin surfaced. He was more than eager to play this game with her. The prince started to chase her too, running close enough to grab her by her wais. Making her laugh even louder she was even sure the guards outside could hear. He lifts her in the air, placing her on top of the table and places himself between her legs with a form grip on her waist.

"Now I have you right where I want you" Aegon's face is very close to hers, his hands running along her waist.

He stared deeply into her eyes, his lips close to hers. He took her hands into his, caressing them and kissing her wrists. "Don't ever leave me, again, please" with that, he took her wrists and drew her towards him, pulling her body close to his, her hands still in his.



I hope yall liked this chapter. This might be my shortest chapter.

What do you think will happen next? Leave some ideas in the comments 😊

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