38. He Knows

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Alyssa's eyes lock on her reflection in the mirror. The Queen had organized a small event in the garden to welcome the spring so now she was standing there in front of the mirror and fussed over a damn braid. Everything seemed to annoy her these days, she didn't like the way her hair looked, the fabric of her dress made her angry, and things she used to love to eat tasted bad.

For three weeks, she'd been walking around knowing about the baby growing inside her belly, but Aegon hadn't even guessed it despite her constant nausea and decreased sex drive. Of course, he had asked questions, but what the hell would she have answered? She knew very well that he did not want to be a father despite her attempts to change his mind. The worst thing that could happen was that he just completely ignored her and the baby and went back to the Street of Silk and ignored them.

While she was afraid that he would leave them, she was also ashamed of the thought, he had done his best to show her that he had changed and yet she walked around and worried that he would leave.

While she stood by the mirror and got ready for the event, he lay on the bed above the covers and played around with a dagger. He hadn't been very excited about this event and he made it clear. "This is just nonsense" She heard him complain from the bed "why would she have an event in the garden this time of year."

"I don't know, my love," she replied simply, she was half truthful, at least, for she could imagine what the reason for this feast was. But she hoped it wouldn't be true. She was fervently impressed that it was only a small celebration for the arrival of spring.

She was so ingrained in her thoughts that she didn't notice Aegon coming up behind her like he used to. Resting his head on her shoulder. His hands on her stomach which made her tense up instantly, for some reason. How she wished he knew and could hold her like this and still know of their child.

Aegon felt her tense up against him and raised his head to look at her in the mirror. "You've been like this for weeks now. Is something wrong? Have I done something?"

All of a sudden, the room got way too hot. What would she say, that she is pregnant and has been for a few weeks now without telling him. She was uncomfortably hot when they stood like that in front of the mirror, almost to the point of being in a cold sweat.

"No, absolutely not. It's not you, it's me. I've been feeling a bit nauseous lately." She replied turning around to look at him, her answer didn't seem to calm him down one bit.

Aegon took her face in his hands, feeling her forehead and cheek. To see if she had a fever. Alyssa looked at him with a smile, because even though it wasn't really anything dangerous, it felt good that he cared as much as he does.

A lump took its place in her stomach and the words rested on her tongue, ready to be thrown out.

I'm with child

"Aegon, I need to tell you something."

"You can tell me enything"

She took a deep breath, swallowed slowly as she spoke again. "I am-"

She was ready to just say it, tired of lying and keeping it to herself but was soon disturbed by a knock on the door. Sir Arryk entered and informed Aegon about something Alyssa didin't listen too. She was too busy to curse the fact that she had been so close, but of course someone would come and destroy it.

Her gaze flew out the window where her mind zoomed out. She didn't notice the conversation that Aegon had with Sir Arryk. Instead, my eyes were fixed on a bird that flew completely "Alyssa"

Her mind was drawn back to reality when Aegon called her name. She was met by Aegon and Sir Arryk, who stood and scalded on her, as if they were expecting an answer to a question she had not heard. "I'm sorry, I got distracted"

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