39. I Love You

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"What happened?" asked Helaena when Alyssa came back to the garden without Aegon. She looked at her friend with sadness in her eyes, but it quickly disappeared. This was a celebration for her child, A child she'd been waiting for forever, and Aegon wasn't going to ruin the happiness she felt.

"Nothing, Hel. He may not be happy about the news, but it doesn't matter to me. How about we settle down with the twins, hm?"

Helaena nodded with a small smile, she wanted to keep talking about what had happened, keep asking But That would have been stupid.

They sat down by the table. Jaeharys ran up to Alyssa while Rhaella settled in her mother's lap with her head leaning against her chest.

The little prince looked up at Alyssa with a pouted lower lip as if he was going to cry. "What's that, my sweet?" Alyssa questioned, running her fingers through his hair.

"Wij you stop pway with me?" He asked, Alyssa furrowed her brows and tilted her head slightly to the side, finding it rather ldd that he would ask something like that. "Why would I do that? We have so much fun together, don't we?

"You wij be busy with it" he spat and pointed his index finger at her stomach. Helaena burst out laughing, and so did Alyssa.

He thought that just because she now had a child for herself, she would completely forget about him and his sister. But she would never do that.

"Of course I will, but that doesn't stop me from spending time with you, little prince. Then when he's older, you can play with each other. Wouldn't that be fun?"

They were interrupted when Aemond walked up to them, Rhaella immediately jumped off Helaena's lap and ran up to Aemond to hug his leg. The usually cold prince warmed up as he lifted his niece into his arms. "Hey there my sweet"

The little girl dug her face into his chest and settled her arms around his neck. The two women at the table beamed at the sight. "Brother, it seems she has her favorite."

Alyssa also smiled at the sight, Rhaella wasn't a girl who would run like that to just anyone. "Well, it seems so yes" Aemond replied, giving Rhaella a kiss on the cheek.

He held on to Rhaella and turned to Alyssa. "I just wanted to congratulate you"

She was very happy about it and gave him a pleasent expression. "Thank you my prince"

"Where's my brother? I reckon he's pleased with the news"

Alyssa pulled her lips into a thin line. He knew Aegon wasn't happy about it, and it showed in him. But then smiled to keep up the nice mood "I suppose he was very taken back by the news."

The three of them continued their conversation for several hours without realizing how long they had been talking. Alyssa got up to get a drink when Viserys walked up to her.

"My dear girl, I wanted to personally congratulate you, it's a shame that your mother isn't here now"

She thanked her grandsire who was holding her hand, He certainly seemed to be feeling better now "I'm going to write her a letter. She'll find out soon."

"Good, May it be an easy Labour"


Viserys's smile faltered as he realized that she was standing there alone. "Where's Aegon?"

She looked around to seem unaware of his whereabouts. "He retired to our chamber, the news must have taken him by surprise," she replied, it frightened her a little how well the lie slipped off her tongue.

"I see, well. I wish you all the best, come over sometime, I've missed our dinners"

"Of course, Your Grace"

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