40. Fucking Maesters

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My dear daughter, I am absolutely overjoyed by the news of your pregnancy, I pray to the gods of old valerya that all goes well. I have informed the king that I will be flying to kings landing before your birth, I don't want you to be alone. I wish you all the best and everyone else here is very happy about the news.

Princess Rhaenyra

Alyssa read the letter over and over again, Feeling relief over the fact that her mother would be there for the birth. She folded the paper and placed it on the desk in the corner.

When the door to the chamber opened, Alyssa walked out of the bedside chamber to see Aegon there. He walked up to her. With a smile, greeting her with a kiss.

"Where have you been?" She asks.

"On an incredibly boring encounter with my mother and the hand. " He pulls his hand down and holds it over her stomach which had grown a little bit over the past few weeks. Right now, it was like a little bump that stuck out.

"How have you two been?" he whispers, leaning his forehead against hers. "It's still too early for movements, but we're okay."

He nods with a smile, despite his reluctance to have children he has been very helpful in recent weeks, almost too much.

"My daughter is growing fast," he said, moving towards the armchair by the sofa. Alyssa raises her brow and chuckles lightly. "Daughter? What if you have a son?"

"I'd settle for a smart, stubborn girl with silvery curls like you. Sons can come later."

"I can imagine a handsome or handsome boy with short hair and purple eyes like you, a sharp chin as well."

"You think me beautiful? Like a woman?" He questioned, putting his hand over his chest to act offended.

"More like a targaryen, but it's hard to decide if you're beautiful or handsome."

"We can agree that you are the beautiful one here, and I am the handsome one."

"As You Wish, Dearest"

Alyssa sat down on the couch next to him and leaned back to find comfort. Aegon did the same and cleared his throat "Me and Daeron are going out, and riding. "

"On dragon's back?

"No, on horses, it's easiest that way"

"Where are you going?" she asked, sitting up again. He put his hand on hers and smiled.

"We're going to ride in the woods, something we only usually do. Nothing in particular. I wonder if you want to come along?"

She took a moment to think about it, because she would have loved to spend time with them, but at the same time, she didn't want to disturb them.

"Maybe next time, unfortunately this little person inside makes me very tired, after a little effort."

"You're okay I hope, I'll tell Daeron we can go some other time, I'm not going to leave you-"

"No, no, gods, no. You can go, my love. I'm doing well here." She assured him, squeezing his hand. He gave her a doubtful look that she quickly erased with her smile.

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