Chapter 22: A Lulled Blaze

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Butter had always been a healthy dog, Firey made certain of that, he was his best friend after all.

So whenever Butter would be sick enough to warrant a trip to the vet, Firey always worried sick for the little dog.

When Firey took Butter to the vet after he noticed he wasn't his normal self, he expected it to just be a routine trip, he would be given some pills and sent on his way.

The worry Firey felt when he was told Butter was being sent to a clinic for a treatment was immeasurable.

He hated when Butter wasn't with him, it felt wrong.

Butter was always there and Firey always took comfort in that.

When college was hard, Butter was there.

When he was feeling down, Butter was there.

For Butter to just not be there felt wrong.

As Firey sat on the bus by himself, he felt his phone buzz and took it out to check what was up.

And when he saw it he felt sick.

His professor had sent out an E-mail, informing him that the deadline for the essay he had been writing had been pushed forward so instead of having another two weeks to write it, he had just five days.


It took everything to keep himself composed on the bus, the most he did was kick the empty seat in front of him.

But when Firey got home, alone and stressed he wasn't able to stop himself from freaking out.

After slamming his door closed, he yelled at nothing, running his fingers through his hair in a repetitive motion while he paced back and forth.

He was bubbling and boiling, he was pissed.

He had always hated his professor but this was a new low.

Firey kicked the wall in frustration, he knew it was stupid, it was just pointless damage.

Sighing deeply, he begrudgingly walked to his desk and began working on the god foresaken essay.

After drinking some coffee and working non-stop, Firey had gotten pretty far with the essay and he was gradually becoming calmer.

A few hours had passed and he decided since he was feeling hungry, he wanted to make some food.

Toast was always Firey's go to snack while studying, it was a mild day so he chose to eat on the balcony.

It was a nice view he had, being able to see the city skyline was much cooler than he remembered it.

Leafy had helped him realise what a pretty view it was, she kept talking about it but he didn't see it until the next day.

He had just been looking at her.

Firey sighed as he stumped out his cigarette and locked the door to the balcony, heading back to the computer to finish up the last of the essay.

What he saw when he turned it on again made him freeze on the spot.

His essay, but only half of it.

"No,no,no, please God, no" he panicked as he frantically searched for previous versions of the essay.

Nothing came up, just the lousy first half he had done a week ago.

He exhaled shakily while leaning back in his chair, closing his eyes still trying to keep composed.

Unknowingly, he went back a little too far and the chair tipped and he fell backwards, smacking his head on the hard, wooden floor.

Firey held his head, coiled up in pain and breathing heavily.

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