Rampaging Rory

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VOTES and COMMENTS!!! I'm on Study Leave now so I'm making time to write just for you... Please tell me what you think :D  


Chapter 15

A sudden, brisk knock on the door awakened me. I looked at my watch, 6:30am... Who was it? 

"Enter," I responded half asleep. The maid with long brown hair, messy and covering her face opened the door rapidly.  

"I'm ever so sorry to disturb you your Highness," she rushed before taking a shallow bow. I squinted at her, supporting myself with my arms behing my back.  

"I thought you would appreciate the knowledge that Ronnie's injured," she continued to speak rapidly. Then it hit me. I lept out of bed and quickly got dressed, that's what the ergency is about.  

"We think she's been bitten your Highness," she informed me whilst looking away. I had just made myself decent.  

"Where is she?" I asked with a demanding tone in my voice.  

"Bottom of the stairs of the cellar. I was about to start work when I found her just outside our quarters," she replied.  

"Inform my father and tell him I have requested his prescence," I responded as I dashed past her at super-human speed. I jumped over the banister of the second floor, landing gently on the first floor. Stealth, another ability of mine. I ran as quickly as I could through the corridors, desperately wanting to protect her. How could I have let her into the arms of that monster? I didn't exactly know he was capable of biting her, but he wasn't going to let go of the fight they had earlier. He was like my mother, strong-willed and passionate. He must also have been conceiting his views about humans too. What he said at dinner was atrocious, and that is why I should have seen this coming. The stairs to the servants quarters lay ahead of me. I continued running as fast as I could, jumping down the stairs landing next to Ronnie's pale and limp body. She had been sprawled on the floor, possibly dropped down the stairs. I fell heavily to my knees and clutched her face, only for her to remain unconscious. She was covered with a thin blanket, no clothes underneath. The rage that was building up inside of me was being stored for later. I have greater worries on my mind. I looked to the left hand side of her neck and saw the fang marks that rendered her unconscious. The poor girl. I gently brushed my fingers along her neck and over the bite mark. Heavy footsteps echoed around the room as my father entered, shortly behind him was the maid I sent to retrieve him.  

"Father," I addressed him as he approached the body of Ronnie, remaining as limp and lifeless like before. I remained on my knees and felt for her pulse.  

"It's weak but present," I informed him, "We need to wake her quickly". Tears were almost welling in my eyes. Stay focussed, I told myself. I loved her dearly, how could I let my brother do this? My father lowered himself to one knee. He also investigated the mark on her neck. Every vampire has an individual bite mark, but I already knew it was Rory. Sorrow enveloped his face. He looked ashamed and sighed. 

"It's his," he informed us meekly. He stood up again. 

"You know what to do, I'll prepare my office," he sighed. I looked down at Ronnie's beautiful face, her eyes closed gently shut. Her lips were pale, slightly parted for breath, her pale skin. I nodded and watched him leave. I looked back to Ronnie and bent right over her.  

"Ronnie!" I called her. The maids mainly stood and watched, although Ginny came down to my left side. Another maid knelt on my right.  

"Master William, this is Janette," Ginny introduced me, "She looked after Ronnie whilst I came to fetch you". I looked at her and nodded.  

"Thank you," I whispered. I turned back to Ronnie. She looked as fragile as a porcelain doll. My left hand met the side of her face as I attempted to wake her again.  

"Ronnie," I called again.  


Muffled noises entered my consciousness once more. I felt warmth against the right side of my face. My body was tingling with the cold. My thighs burned in uncontrollable pain, throbbing. I attempted to open my eyes as another voice entered my consciousness again. 

"Ronnie," it said. I remembered. Rory. My bedroom. Fleeing. My eyes shot open in fear as I gasped. A thousand eyes were fixed on mine. Will. There he was. I grasped me and hugged me tightly, as if I was lucky to be alive. Sighs of relief surrounded the room. I was in the servants quarters. Naked. I held Will as tightly as I could. The maids began to filter out of the room. He gripped me just as tightly, his body warming mine. He let go and smiled at me. I pulled the blanket over my body as Will helped me up. A wave of dizziness rushed over me and I almost fell back to the cellar floor. Will caught me and held me upright as I reclaimed grip of the blanket and wrapped it around tightly. Will swept me up and carried me through the long corridors, up the winding staircase and into his bedroom. He lay me down on his double bed, unmade from his sleep before.  

"I'll be back in a minute," he told me after kissing my forehead. He ran out of the room. I left alone and vulnerable again. Tears flooded my eyes as I speculated what had happened last night. My lower body ached and throbbed intensely. I curled up in a ball in an attempt to relieve the pain. Will must have seen me as he dashed back to me. He sat next to me, my nightdress in hand. I tried to cover up my pain, extremely unsuccessfully.  

"What's wrong?" he asked he frantically. I attempted to sit up. I wiped away the tears after sitting upright. He took a few deep breaths.  

"What's wrong Ronnie?" Will asked again, just as concerned as before. 

"I...I think...he.." I broke down in tears.  

"he?" Will queried. He wiped away my tears. I clutched his hand as tightly as I could.  

"I think he raped me," I stated. Will's face dropped. He clutched my entire body and hugged me again.  

"Will you let me look?" he asked. I leant back. I guess he had to. I nodded and he looked. I felt blood rush to my cheeks in what must have been a first in quite a few hours. 

"Okay he has, put this on. No damage done, so the pain will go away soon," he comforted me. He handed me my nightdress. I placed it over my head. Will had gotten undressed again, just in his underwear and climbed into bed. I stood up and brushed myself down. I didn't want to be alone again. Where is Rory? He could come back anytime, then what would he do to me? I looked back at Will, who had his arms outstretched. 

"Come here," he beckoned me in. I obliged and sat on the edge of the bed before swinging my legs around. I cuddled up to Will, and he pulled the covers up over me. Warmth surrounded me, and I realised just how cold I was. I held on to Will tightly.  

"I won't let him touch you ever again," he reassured me. I tickled his bare chest. My head rested on his chest and my eyelids became heavy.  

"Get some sleep," he instructed me. He brushed the hair out of my face as I closed my eyes, quickly falling into deep sleep.


So what did you think... Remember vote and comment :) love you guys

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