Revealing the Truth

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So here is chapter 25... sorry for the long wait, but I've been doing some work on my new story Soul Seeker, and the first chapter is up now...

So show me some love and check it out! (Please...)

This isn't as long as I'd planned but a small upload is better than none, right?

Chapter 25

      It has been a fairly peaceful week so far, despite Will’s prediction of an attack. He spoke to Rheynold about his thoughts and since we have kept a careful lookout. We’ve increased our security around the mansion as well. I tend to stay in the quieter areas of the house for now, as does Will. He is so angry at Rory for everything he did to me. I’m not sure who I’m more worried about, Will or Rory, not that I should be worried for him mind. If he’s not dead within the next month I will certainly be surprised. I’m not one to condone murder but this time I would happily do it myself. There is one thing I have learnt here, and that is nobody is safe. It’s dog-eat-dog, kill or be killed. I have no choice. I’m lucky I survived, but I can’t give him a second chance. Despite this I try to keep my head down really. I’ve caused enough trouble as it is. I go about my normal routine, getting up at 10pm, getting dressed, make-up, hair and all the other usual activities. Then I get something to eat and scratch around for something to do, the normal stuff, but not today.

            It was just a typical evening, getting ready and all that. Will had just gone downstairs as I was finishing up. A heavy thumping echoed around the building and stopped me in my tracks. I put my hair straighteners down, turning them off as well. I cautiously made my way to the top of the stairs. I could hear mumbling from the bedroom but as I got closer to the stairwell the voices became clear.

It was Rory.

            I leant over the banister to see Will and Rory having a stand-off with one another. They were surrounded by a mob of vampires, unclear as to who was supporting who. This could get ugly.

“You seem to be dealing with grief very well,” Rory slyly commented. I couldn’t see his face because his back was to me but I could tell he was smirking, as if he was proud of himself.

“Who said I was grieving?” Will retorted.

“That’s no way to talk about her, bless her soul,” he mocked. I rolled my eyes at him. Such a jerk, he’s going to pay.

“Since when did you care?” Will yelled.

“You’re right; she’s not here, so I can say what I want right?” Rory began. Will subtly looked at me, his eyes burning with fury. I smiled weakly and encouraged him to keep conversation going.

“She was a bitch, don’t you think?” Rory taunted.

“What? No!” Will yelled.

“She was a weak, useless and desperate slut,” Rory snorted. I snarled at his remark, exposing my fangs onto my bottom lip. Nobody calls me that and gets away with it. I stood upright and climbed over the banister, ready to attack him.

I saw the tears in Will’s eyes and knew that his last comment hurt him too.

“Let’s face it; it wasn’t difficult for either of us to get her into bed now was it?” Rory hissed.

“What do you expect when she had nobody there for her for three years? You made sure of that!” Will hissed back.

“What would she say if she could here me now?” Rory taunted.

“Oh you’d know about it,” Bryan piped up.

“Tell me William, what would she say?” Rory taunted. That was my cue. I jumped from the banister above, landing swiftly and quietly. Gasps filled the room.

“Fuck. You,” I emphasized, making my words clear.

            Rory spun around on his heels, his eyes tracing my frame over and over again in confusion.

“You don’t look pleased to see me,” I smirked. “I can’t be that defenceless now can I?” I added.

“I killed you,” he mumbled.

“Yes you did, you’re right, but I’m stronger than you, I survived,” I spat.

Anger washed over Rory’s face, but all I could do was smile. I had won for once.

“Whilst we are getting things out in the open,” I started, before curling up my fist and hitting him square in the nose, “I am not a slut!”

Rory staggered back in pain as he wiped the fresh blood off his face.

“Sorry to ruin your plans,” I sang sarcastically, “But I know where I belong now”.

“Ronnie,” Will warned me. He always does that when I get too worked up.

“You said you wanted to do that yourself,” I reminded him. Rory had staggered forward again.

“Hit me again, and you will pay!” he spat angrily.

“Was that an invitation?” Will questioned.

“I dare you,” Rory whispered spitefully.

“All yours,” I said as I stepped back.

            Will instantly lunged at his brother and a massive brawl broke out. I watched as many of the vampires began fighting amongst themselves. I was surrounded, an easy target. I fought my way out of the crowd, rapidly decreasing in size as the number of bodies on the floor increased. A part of me was scared, but I have to fight. I desperately began searching for Will and Rory, yet I couldn’t catch sight of either of them. A couple of the vampires had freed themselves from a brawl and began circling me, like I was their pray. I kept a close eye on both of them, when out of nowhere they both lunged at me. Thinking quickly, I side rolled out of their path and both crashed head first into one another, knocking each other out.

            Well that was easy.

            I ran up the stairs in hope of finding the brawling brothers and avoiding other warring vampires as I went, hiding in corners to avoid their gaze. Shouts and yells had broken out all over the household, and trying to distinguish exactly who was who found difficult, even with my enhanced senses. After searching the entire second floor I made my way up to the third. Visions of leading Bryan up here came into my mind, remembering my once dead body lay up here alone. I shook the negative thoughts out of my head and continued to scramble up the stairs. When I reached the top, all was clear. Slumped against the far wall was Will, lying helplessly on the floor. I dashed over to him immediately, disregarding all danger and quickly checked for signs of life. Tears had welled up in my eyes as I frantically applied pressure on his neck in hope of finding his pulse. I also re-adjusted his head so I could feel his breath against my cheek.

            My breath became steadier as his breath brushed against my cheek. He wasn’t dead. I sat down next to him in relief, brushing his hair out of his face. It was like he was sleeping. I rested my head on the back wall, taking a moment to calm myself down. Rory’s gone again, leaving Will and I to pick up the pieces. I just have to wait for him to wake up.

However long it takes.

So that's it for this chapter... as ever... although I never seem to get much...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2011 ⏰

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