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Summer holiday. No school. Every student were busy with their own stuff. For example Jeonghan was busy with learning chemistry and science which his friend Seungkwan has adviced. And yeah Jeonghan had his own friend group or lets say his gang. Seungkwan, Vernon, Seokmin and Jeonghan himself. Firstly Jeonghan has became fruends with Seungkwan. Jeonghan was introvert so Seungkwan was the one who talked first. Then they became close with Vernon on their 6th grade. Vernon was new student and Seungkwan was interested on him. So he started to soend his time more with Vernon which made Jeonghan bit jealous? Then Jeonghan started to understand whats actually happening between them. Yes they loved each other and that was obvious. It was hard to accept for Jeonghan. He tried to persuade Seungkwan to break up with Vernon. He gave pressure to Seungkwan but Seungkwan didn't give up. Instead years later Seungkwan gave up. Later Seokmin was a new comer to their class. Vernon became close with him which annoyed both Seungkwan and Jeonghan.

Later after school while Jeonghan and Seokmin were waiting for their siblings they got closer. Jeonghan that time was 14 and Seokmin 13. They were little.

''Hey why aren't you going home?'' Asked Seokmin. Jeonghan just tried to be polite and smiled before answering.

''Waiting for my little sister'' answered Jeonghan.

''Oh my god! I'm also waiting just for my older sister! Lets wait together?'' Asked Seokmin.

''Okay why not'' answered Jeonghan.

They get to knew each other well dyring that time.

''How is our class'' asked Jeonghan.

''Oh its cool! I really like it!'' Said Seokmin with a smile.

''I see you became close with Vernon'' said Jeonghan.

''Yes. He is really good boy'' said Seokmin.

''He is and he is from my friendship gang'' said Jeonghan.

''Oh really?'' Asked Seokmin.

''Yeah. Me, Vernon and Seungkwan but Seungkwan and Vernon in relationship'' said Jeonghan.

''Seriously??'' Asked Seokmin.

''Yeah. They started from their 12th. Too early really. I tried my best to stop them but uhh anyways'' said Jeonghan.

''Ohh just with them happiness. They are your friends afterall'' said Seokmin.

''Yeah'' sighed Jeonghan.

''So you seem to be mom of the group?'' Playfully asked Seokmin.

''Maybe'' awkwardly smiled Jeonghan. ''By the way. Would you mind to join our gang? I want to you to join us''

''Oh my god really??? Of course i will!!'' Said Seokmin as he clapped happily.

''Oh great! Here is main rule. You should stay loyal. No cheating for each other. Even our lifes gonna be apart in the future. Promise?'' Said Jeonghan.

''Of course! I promise!!!'' Said Seokmin.

Yeah since that they are im same gang. Since 2 years later everything was going fine. Even holidays couldnt seperate that four. They would chat and call each other everyday.

Jeonghan was happily making friendship bracelets to his friends.

''Jeonghan! Come for a lunch!'' Called his mother.

''Coming'' said Jeonghan and ran towards of the kitchen.

As food came to the table he started slowly eat it.

''Hannie. Me and your dad decided to move to USA with our family'' said his mom and Jeonghan almost choked on his food.

''What? Are we going to move America?'' Asked Jeonghan by still not believing what he heard.

''Yes'' said his mother.

''Why mom?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''For better work, son'' said his mother.

''But mom how can i addapt there? What about my studies?'' Said Jeonghan.

''You will study in american school'' said his mom.

''But mom i love my hometown! And i can't leave my friends'' said Jeonghan barely holding his tears.

''You gon' find new ones'' said his mom.

''But mom! I love my friends! I can't live without them. Please tell my dad to stay'' begged Jeonghan.

''We already have decided Han'' said his mom and Jeonghan just ran to his room.

He was barely holding his tears and decided to announce that to his friends.


Wassup Han?

What happened?


Guys.. my parents told that we r moving to USA



Without us?

Enjoy ur life there then.

Guys he gon' forget us

Imagine him after several years coming back here and saw us. When we great him he gon' be like 'who r u' to us

Ugh cheater! That hits hard😭😭😭

Yeah he cheated on us😭😭

Ohh c'mon guys. Don't make a drama

I never ever gonna forget you guys

As i lived there since my 5 years its good country tho

Hansol u were a kid. How come u able to remember those🤨

I'm not stupid like some others

Yah guys stoop😕


Hannie will u rly leave?

I wont guys!!

I'll stay with u forever! And i try my best to persuade my parents.

You are the best Hannie😭✊️

Yeah stay with us bro🥺


Thank you guys🥺❤️

Since that Jeonghan tried his best to make his parents to rethink. He tried to make a lot of excuses. His dad made a serious converstation and luckily Jeonghan by using his logic made his dad change his opinion so that now they will stay in Korea.

Month later after learning science, Jeonghan got interested in music. Actually producing music. He mostly listened to american DJs music and also wanted to become a music produsser. He wanted to make a music career in America. Now he regreted that made his parents change their decision.

''Dad. Please lets move to America! I want to start my career there'' said Jeonghan.

''Jeonghan, you are yourself was denying it and things you told were right so for now we are going to stay. And if its for career maybe you can in the future? Or move there with your own family?'' Said his dad.

Jeonghan sighed. Yeah it was his fault but Jeonghan is not giving up. At least he has his friends with him. Maybe in the future he can visit his new Dream Country?

A/N: sorry for the mistakes. Just publishing it as i finished writing this chapter. Dont wanna repeat that mistake TT

Hope u enjoyed. Have a nice day.

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