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Again school day. Now it was breaktime. Everyone was busy with chatting each other. Jeonghan has went to the canteen to have a lunch with Wonwoo. Vernon probably was on his phone while Seungkwan and Seokmin were having their gossip session.

Jisoo entered the class with his sweet smile.

''Woah Jisoo''

''Shua is so lovely~''

''I wish he could be my boyfriend'' whispered their classmates.

Jisoo didn't mind and took a seat with Seungcheol.

Same happened when Jun entered the class by flipping his hair back.

''Oh my god! He's so handsome''

''Does he even have a girlfriend?''

Whispers again could be heard.

Seungkwan who was observing them just rolled his eyes and said ''i don't understand why everyone is whipped for that two''

''If you didn't had Hansol yet, you also would be whipped'' said Seokmin.

''Eww never'' said Seungkwan.

Jeonghan entered the class while happily chatting with Wonwoo.

Jisoo approached Jeonghan.

''Hannie? Lets go'' said Jisoo.

''Where? Why?'' Asked confused Jeonghan.

''Lets go. I have a suggestion'' said Jisoo and Jeonghan followed Jisoo.

As they arrived now Jeonghan was standing between Jisoo and Jun.

''Well as i've heard from Jisoo, you are much more talented'' said Jun with a smirk.

''Oh.. um thanks'' said Jeonghan with an awkward smile.

''I decided that i'd also be in your band'' said Jun.

''Oh really?'' Said Jeonghan.

''Yeah. He is good at rapping!'' Said Jisoo.

''Oh my god! You can rap?!'' Asked excited Jeonghan.

''Yes i can'' proudly said Jun.

''You are soo cool!'' Said Jeonghan. Jisoo slowly took a step back with a forced smile.

''So you two guys would shine on the stage'' said Jisoo.

''What do you mean?'' Said confused Jun.

''But what about you?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''I'll just be producer behind the scences and watch how you guys get successful'' said Jisoo with a smile. Jeonghan sensed that something was off with that smile.

''C'mon bro.. its you who told me ee'd create a band and now you leaving me and Jeonghan?'' Complained Jun.

''Joshuji.. you promised me that we will carry our career and will work together in the future. You should keep your promise'' said Jeonghan.

''Okay okay alright but i don't have a talent'' said Jisoo.

''You have! You said you gonna rap!'' Said Jeonghan.

''But Jun does it'' said Jisoo.

''Y'all stop. I just write all the lyrics, Jeonghan makes a music and Jisoo sings it'' said Jun.

''Great!!'' Said Jeonghan with a smile.

''Alright'' agreed Jisoo with an awkward smile.

Teacher came in and every student calmed down ''Good morning students. I'm here to announce that we have an acting competition. We going to choose historical genre to play'' and everyone sighed about how boring historical play is.

Same Old Love: |Jihan|Where stories live. Discover now