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''Guys go to my room for practice. Today we have to record it'' said Mr.Kim and Seungkwan, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Joshua went to their teachers room.

''Joshua did you prepare your speech?'' Asked teacher.

''Yes sure'' said Jisoo.

''Well i believe you. Jeonghan i think i need to work with you. Go to the blackboard'' said teacher.

Jeonghan held his paper where his speech was prepared. ''My teacher is the best teacher..''

''Stop stop. This sounds too childish. Say 'my teacher is the best teacher in this whole world' got it?'' Said teacher.

''Okay.. My teacher is the best teacher in this whole world...''

''Stop take off your mask'' commanded Mr.Kim.


''Just take that off!'' Said teacher and Jeonghan quietly obbeyed and took off his mask slowly and continued his speech for three times.

''Now good lets go to the class where our recording will be'' said Mr.Kim.

''You look nice without mask'' quietly said Jisoo to Jeonghan on the way.

''What do you mean?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''I mean you look unique without it. I never saw your face clearly so..'' said Jisoo with a gentle smile but that didnt change Jeonghans mood.

''Oh c'mon everyone looks good without it'' said Seungkwan as a joke.

They went to class. First they recorded Jisoo and then others. Recording was done successfully. Later by editing video they uploaded to facebook and you tube by Joshua being on the cover of it.


Another day of school. Jeonghan entered the class but when he was about to take a seat with Seungkwan he saw him seating with Vernon on the back seat instead. Jeonghan gave a glare to that couple. Seokmin noticed and came clother to Jeonghan.

''Hannie i'mma sit with you. Let them be together'' said Seokmin. And that didn't help Jeonghan to calm down.

''No way'' sighed Jeonghan. Jeonghan wasn't that close with Seokmin like with Seungkwan.

Few lessons left. Now it was break time. Jeonghans gang gathered together for a lunch. On the way Seungkwan was playing a game and Seokmin was watching the game process.

''Seungkwan what are you playing?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''I found app. Its like music tiles hop but only with your favorite DJ Marshmello and his music'' said Seungkwan while playing.

''Wow i try to download it!'' Said Jeonghan.

''Is Marshmello that dude with a mask?'' Asked Seokmin.

''Yeah and it looks like a ghost'' added Vernon.

''I was about to say that'' laughed Seokmin.

''But guys try to listen his music'' said Jeonghan.

''Not my type'' said Vernon.

''Do you know about Marshmello well'' asked Seokmin.

''Yes. I guess so?'' Said Jeonghan.

''I guess Jisoo must know about Marshmello'' said Seungkwan out of nowhere.

''How come? Does he even know him?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''Of course he does. He is from USA and lives at the same state with your DJ. I think he does know'' said Seungkwan.

''So what?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''You may go and ask from him questions about Marshmello after lunch'' said Seungkwan.

''Me? interact with him? No'' said Jeonghan.

''Oh sorry i though you are his true fan'' said Seungkwan and Jeonghan rolled his eyes.

After lunch the four guys entered the class.

''Go and ask'' said Seungkwan.

Jeonghan took a deep breath ''I can't go and ask alone'' said he and Seungkwan gave a glare.

''He wont eat you up'' said Seungkwan.

''I'll ask for you lets go'' said Seokmin with frustration.

Why out of nowhere Seokmin decided to get involved? Though Jeonghan but he agreed so they went towards of so called Jisoo.

''Why both of them are hesitating'' said Seungkwan.

''I guess both of them are in love with Jisoo thats why'' said as joke Vernon.

Jeonghan and Seokmin came to Jisoo's seat and standing on the back of him. Jisoo was sofly smiling and talking with classmates.

Seokmin cleared his throat. He was unsure to call him. Jeonghan was just confidently standing behind Seokmin and was trying to not lose his cool.

''Hey!'' Called Seokmin. Jisoo didn't hear ''hey!'' Again called Seokmin.

Vernon and Seungkwan were looking at them from afar.

''He even hesitating to call him by his name even if he knows. Suspicious'' said Vernon.

''Hey! I'm calling you!'' On the serious tone said Seokmin.

Jisoo softly smiled and gave a look to Seokmin with a smile and then to Jeonghan.

''Hey'' said as a greeting Jisoo.

''Can you tell us informations you know about Marshmello DJ?'' Said with a smirk on his face Seokmin.

''Oh Marshmello? Yeah sure! So his first music is Wavez'' said Jisoo.

''I know'' whispered Jeonghan.

''He knows that already'' said Seokmin mentioning Jeonghan.

''Oh.. umm he has a lamborghini and tank lookalike car'' said Jisoo.

Jeonghan knows that he had cars but he didn't know what exact car but still acted cool.

''I know that too'' said Jeonghan.

''Heard? He knows that too'' said Seokmin.

''Hmmm.. He has his personal helicopter!'' said Jisoo.

Jeonghan exploded already for not getting enough informstion ''I know that too! I know his real face and even his wife'' said Jeonghan.

Joshua laughed ''really? Thats cool'' said he with a smile but Jeonghan left.

''Thanks'' said Seokmin and also left.

Yes. That was their first interaction.


Another school day. Jeonghan went to school and agaim saw Seungkwan sitting with Vernon. So again he had to sit with Seokmin.

''Hi'' said Jeonghan and took a seat.

''Han! How are you?'' Said Seokmin.

''I'm fine thanks'' said Jeonghan.

Suddenly their teacher entered the class.

''Good morning guys. I hope you guys doing alright. I have a news for you. Our new student Joshua Hong can't attend our classes for several days. Around 20 days i guess'' annouced teacher.

Lot of students whined and started ro ask its reason. Class was full of noise. Jeonghan was wondered. Jisoo already becane everyones favorite? How..

''Calm down class. Joshua told that he is having surgery so he would stay in a hospital and can't attend to the lessons'' said their teacher and left worried classmates alone.

A/N: hope u guys r enjoying.

Have a nice day!

If i do remember its already 3 years left since everything has started with him. 10th November was when all has started </3

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