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But fate happened. While Jeonghan was watching for different pencils he saw someone also standing close to him. He gave a look down. Tiny boy with a copybook in his hand was standing with a cute smile. That cute smile resembles Jisoo a lot. Thats maybe Huening Kai? Yes it was Kai. Jeonghan couldn't stop but stare at this cute boy. Little Kai noticed gaze of Jeonghan and look up to see Jeonghan and distanced himself from Jeonghan.

I hope i didn't scare this cutie thought Jeonghan.

Jeonghan than keep on looking for pencils. Kai put copybook back and run away.

''Oh Kai you here?'' Soft voice of Jisoo could be heard.

''Hyung~'' Kai ran towards of Jisoo and hold his hand tightly.

Jisoo gave a look to Jeonghan and they made an eye contact. After few seconds Jisoo went away.

''You saw that hyung?'' Asked Jisoo from Kai.

''Yes i did'' replied him.

''He is handsome right?'' Said Jisoo.

''Hyungie~ do you love him?'' Asked Kai. Jisoo didn't reply instead he laughed.

Meanwhile Jeonghan already was leaving the shop with his grandparents.

After arriving he of course had a lunch and went to do his homework. While he was doing again Seokmin called. This time Jeonghan decided to answer the call.

''Jeonghan?'' Said on cheerful voice Seokmin.

''What?'' Said dryly Jeonghan.

''Oh i just didn't want to do homework alone'' said Seokmin.

''Huh? Go call to Jisoo then'' said Jeonghan.

''Jeonghan. As you are my friend i'm trying to forget him..''  said Seokmin.

''Okay how many percents then?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''I think 95% haha'' said Seokmin.

''Still lot. Listen i'm doing that for your own good okay? Imagine you said you love Jisoo and Jisoo that he loves you back. Then you guys will be in relationship and become boyfriends. And theb what? Then your parents will know about that. They surely think that you want relationship instead of study. Remember you wanted to study abroad. So they wont let you study. Instead they would make you marry to Jisoo in early age. You are now 15 right? So your marrige will be in your 16. What happens after marrige? You of course will be slave of Jisoo and his family. You have to do his house works or even worse what if he wants you to get pregnant? Have you ever thought of all? Or are you blindly in love with that Hong Jisoo?'' Said in a one breathe.

''But Jeonghan thats true lov-''

''Ohh yeah wait wait wait. You just love him vecause of your own status? Like getting married to American and move to America and live there? Thats why you love him.'' Said Jeonghan.

''Jeonghan.. that was harsh..'' said Seokmin.

''I just told the truth what?'' Said Jeonghan.

''Maybe one day you understand your mistake'' said Seokmin.

''Mah boy wake up. Those who mistaken is not me its you.'' Said Jeonghan.

It was silence and Jeonghan ended the call and kept on doing his homework.


Another day of school. Today also Jeonghan was able to see Jisoo but still today also he was in mask. After several lessons it was finally break time.

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