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To break this awkwardness Seokmin decided to talk. ''Hi'' simply he said with a forceful smile.

Jeonghan just replied ''you here too?'' And both took a seat at the same time and as a reply Seokmin nodded.

While others were practicing Jeonghan was just holding a sleeve of Jisoo's jacked and when Jeonghan gave a look to Seokmin he practically was holding other sleeve. Jeonghan was really jealous but kept quite inside.

''I don't understand whats special in Jisoo'' said Vernon who was sitting with his boyfriend and observing their other two friends.

''I don't know but i think both of them making it obvious. Two friends destroying their friendship cuz of Jisoo and their jealousy. I'm afraid that everyone would think that two bestfriends seeming like fighting for a husband but i already heard this kind of rumors'' said Seungkwan.

''If Jisoo didn't came i bet Jeonghan and Seokmin would have a best friendship'' said Vernon.

''Definetly but problem is Jeonghan is stubborn as hell amd first time experiencing love but the one who is under pressure is Seokmin'' said Seungkwan and Vernon nodded.

Practice ended. Jeonghan glared at Seokmin waiting for him to let go Jisoo's jacket. Seokmin felt so awkward. He felt like carrying a heavy burden. Seokmin finally let go of the jacket and left to his own seat. After that Jeonghan did the same. But Jeonghan saw how Jisoo entered the class with Chaewon. Obviously she was smiling to Jisoo and also Jisoo was smiling back. Jeonghan felt jealous and felt like Jisoo paying less attention... Moreover it felt like Chaewon likes Jisoo too..

Now it finally was the day of the perform their acting.

''All boys who has role of the prince please go to the backstage. I need you guys to see how well you were dressed'' said teacher.

Boys obeyyed and went to backstage. Everyone was dressed by the country they've been given. Everyone considered Chan the most attractive as he wore chinese traditional dress. Jeonghan also wore Europian dress as well. Now make up stylist came and started to do make up for the boys. Seungkwan, Vernon and Jeonghan were down now it was Seokmin's turn.

Jisoo accidently stepped backstage and first saw Jeonghan. Jeonghan also made eye contact with Jisoo. Jisoo was already dressed like ambassador. With his hat with a feather. He looked handsome. Jisoo admired how Jeonghan looked unrealistic. With a royal dress and his hair was wavy.

''Uhm.. you.. guys look pretty'' said Jisoo with a stutter.

''Huh us?'' Said Vernon who got the main point.

After few hours all performers gather and Jeonghan's class was the first to perform. On the backstage after Seokmin's make up was done everyone was complementing how he actually was now looking like an Indian.

They performed successfully so after that they have to wait for other performers finish and wait results to be out. Jeonghan and Seokmin were sitting on the lastest raw. While Jisoo amd Seungcheol 2 raw ahead.

''Hey lets go sit infront'' suggested Seokmin. Jeonghan who didn't get just followed Seokmin.

Seokmin took a seat with Jisoo without even greeting him. Seokmin was seating on Jisoo's right side while Seungcheol was sitting on Jisoo's left side. Jeonghan before taking seat with Seokmin he give a glare by getting his intention.

Jisoo looked at Seokmin who just took a seat with him. ''You look so pretty'' said Jisoo which made every classmates look up to Jisoo and Seokmin and ship them. Jeonghan's anger was boiling right now. But he tried his best to act cool.

After performance boys were going to change theur clothes. ''Somethings happening between you amd Jisoo hmm?'' Vernon teased Seokmin. Seokmin slightly blushed. Jeonghan rolled his eyes and fastern his steps and walked ahead.

Same Old Love: |Jihan|Where stories live. Discover now