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They finally arrived to the ice skating center.

Firstly they were just obserbingvaround and wondering by seeing differentvdecorations.

''Guys!! I found pretty room with a mirrors'' said Mingyu.

''Oh my god! Walls are also pretty! Ice cubes are illustrated!'' Said Seokmin.

''Good place for a selfie'' said Wonwoo.

And everyone entered there.

''Woow really beautiful'' said Seungkwan.

But something was off. People who are entering there gave a weird look to them.

''Uhm guys. Its a restroom'' said Vernon.

''Wait what?!'' Gasped Seungkwan and Wonwoo who was taking selfies got frost.

''Oh my god! Hahaha'' started laugh Seokmin.

''Gosh thats so emberrasing'' said Taehyung.

''Don't worry guys at least now we know location of the restrom'' said teacher and whole class laughed at it.

Finally they went out.

Everyone run towards of it. Guys entered to the ice rink after wearing their ice skates. Seokmin was the first one go.

''Guyysss you can join its sooo funn!'' Said Seokmin happily.

Vernon also entered and held Seungkwan and they both skate together. Everyone started to skate.

Only Jeonghan was standing alone deciding whether he should go or not because he doesnt know how to skate. Also Jisoo doesn't but he risked anyways.

Jisoo came out if the rink with a heavy breath and Jeonghan gave him a look.

''How is it?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''Its really hard'' said with a awkward smile Jisoo. ''But i'll try it anyways''

''Okay'' said Jeonghan and he also entered the rink. It was really slippery. To not fall Jeonghan held the wall. He was realy carefully trying.

''Hey how is it?'' Asked Seokmin.

''Really complicated...'' said Jeonghan.

''Don't worry you'll learn in a second'' said Seokmin and keep on skating.

Jeonghan was going slowly but he lost his balance and was about to fall behind but Jisoo was holding Jeonghan's waist with a one hand and with another one barely was holding a wall to keep balance. Seungkwan who was passing by just chuckled. Jeonghan gave a look to Jisoo.

''Be careful Hannie'' said Jisoo and carefully helped him to stand up.

''You saw them?'' Asked Seokmin who was skating on another corner.

''Jisoo and Jeonghan?'' Asked Seungkwan and Seokmin nodded sadly. ''You look hurt''

''I know'' sad smile appeared on Seokmin's face.

''I can't handle that'' said Seungkwan and skated towards of the other two.

''Hey Jeonghan i'll teach you how to skate'' said Seungkwan and held both Jeonghan's hands. Jeonghan screamed being scared of Seungkwans sudden approach. Jisoo just smiled of Jeonghan's cuteness.

''Seungkwaniee pls hold me tight i trust you'' said scaref Jeonghan.

''I though Jeonghan knows'' said Vernon observing Seungkwan and Jeonghan.

''Me too. Anyways i go and have a drink'' said Seokmin and went away.

Jisoo was barely making a progress. ''Oh finally i can keep my balance i think now i should learn how to move.. a bit..'' said Jisoo.

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