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''What kind of surgery is he okay?'' Confusingly asked Seokmin.

''I think its nose surgery? He said something wrong with it i guess'' said Vernon.

''Wait how did you know that?'' With a doubt asked Jeonghan.

''Well i've been friends with him since he's also from America so we chat often'' said Vernon.

''Since when..'' Jeonghan was bit disappointed that he didn't knew about that.

''Yeah they talk during the break times. In english always'' added Seungkwan.

''Anyways'' said Seokmin and guys went back to lessons.


Morning. Jeonghan woke up as be got notification. Jeonghan looked at the screen of his phone as he barely opened his eyes. It was from groupchat. Jeonghan engered to see what was that. When Jeonghan entered groupchat he saw that Joshua send a selfie of him after surgery. Face was with bandages but bloods around his face still was visible. Jeonghan got terrified because he is afraid of blood.

Is he dumb or what? What kind of person he is? Is that picture worth of sending when he us on that state? Though Jeonghan. Suddenly others started to respond.

Classmates groupchat

Omg is that u after surgery?🥺

Get well soon✊️

Get well soon. Take care🥺🥰

Get well soon bro

Get well soon🥺🥺😢😢

Get well soon😳

Get well soon🖐

Thx guys😄

For real? Are they all wishing him get well? Well lemme try also anyways. Just because others did though Jeonghan.

Get well soon

Thank you Jeonghan😊

Jeonghan was wondered Jisoo replying individualy to him and overall to others.

Jeonghan went to school. Also this time he sat with Seokmin and Vernon was with Seungkwan.

''Hey do you really wanna be DJ in the future?'' Asked Seokmin as he was bored in math class. Same with Jeonghan. He hates math and can't do the math.

''Yes. And i guess band would be better. If i'll be DJ i need someone in singer lets say vocalist position too'' said Jeonghan.

''Han you have good vocals too! Why not yourself?'' Asked Seokmin.

''I'm bit anxious of revealing my voice'' said Jeonghan.

''Don't worry! I'll be your personal singer!!'' Said Seokmin.

''Really?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''Yes and we will have career together!!'' Said Seokmin happily.

''Oh yeah i can imagine us being famous already'' said Jeonghan.

''Lot of fans!'' Added Seokmin.

''Money'' added Jeonghan and both guys laughed.

After classes boys went to their houses. Jeomghan only enjoyed with his friends so he had a good day.

Wgen he arrived it was noon. He could see that there was going converstation in group chat with Jisoo, Chaewon, Taehyung. Jeonghan decided to just say hi.

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