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Morning. Jeonghan was being bit late to school so he hurried up. When he arrived at school he looked for time and there was 2 minutes for lessons to start. While walking the corridor he could feel someone following him behind at the same direction. Jeonghan didn't mind. He thought some random student heading his class.

Jeonghan finally entered the class and saw Seungkwan who was sitting on the second bench who was signaling him to sit. First bench was owned by Seungcheol now.

Jeonghan now was able to see the person who was following him. It was Jisoo. Jeonghan didnt say anything even if they were walking together. Both avoided to look each other. Wondering thing Jisoo was wearing a mask.

Jeonghan put his bag near the Seungkwan while Jisoo took seat with Seungcheol meaning that Jeonghan sits back of the Jisoo and thats pretty close. As twins put their bag now they headed to their locker to put their jackets and both were acting same which made both of them awkward.

Finally they took seat. Few seconds left. Still they were awkward. Yes they were noisy online but in real life it was another feeling.

Jisoo turned his body back to face Jeonghan but he didn't have a gut to look at Jeonghan and same hoes with Jeonghan he also avoided to look Jisoo but at the same time both made eye contact and both of them said ''How are you'' at the same time. Jeonghan turned into red while Jisoo laughed softly and turned back to his desk.

Seungkwan who noticed everything could easily see their good chemistry as he observed before too.

Teacher came. It was math lesson.

''Okay class today is test from math'' announced teacher.

''Oh no! I'm not good at math'' started to panic Jeonghan.

Jisoo who listened this shyly gave look to Jeonghan and said ''i'll help you with it. Trust me'' said in a deep voice which Jeonghan slowly smiled.

''Okay'' said Jeonghan.

Test paper was given everyone was busy with solving a test. The first who finished was Joshua. Jeonghan was wondered because Jisoo doesn't look like a boy who knows math well. Jeonghan was hopefully waiting for Jisoo to help.

''Here. You can start to copy'' said Jisoo.

''Okay'' said Jeonghan and started to copy swiftly. When was teacher coming near them Jisoo imediately took away his copybook from Jeonghan who was copying.

Jisoo pretended like he was reading test questions but however teacher noticed that. ''Hong Jisoo. Seems like you are done. Why don't you hand your copybook to me? I'd check it'' said she.

''Ohh um teacher.. i was just making sure that answers are right'' said Jisoo with a soft smile.

Teacher nodded and gave look to Jeonghan who was pretending like writing a test. After few seconds teacher went to check other students.

''Here. She's gone. You are safe'' said Jisoo with a smile as he handed his copybook to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan quickly copied and gave back the copybook to Jisoo. Jisoo gave his answera to teacher to checkup.

''Thank you'' said Jeonghan with a gentle smile.

''Not at all'' replied Jisoo with a smile.

That was their first face to face interaction. There was huge difference between how Jeonghan had a view to Jisoo when he first came and now.

It was break time. Everyone was gathered near the Jisoo.

''Jisoo are you okay?'' Asked Wonwoo.

''Yeah i'm fine'' gently amswered Jisoo.

''How are you feeling right now?'' Asked Yunjin.

''Can you take your mask off?'' Asked Mingyu.

''No i can't. I'm shy showing my face after my nose surgery'' said Jisoo.

''Guys, please leave him alone'' said Seungcheol and everyone left.

''Thanks'' said Jisoo.

Meanwhile Jeonghan and Seungkwan were chatting and Seokmin and Vernon came.

''Hey who wants to go cafeteria with me?'' Asked Seokmin with a bright smile. Seokmin hoped that Jeonghan would agree and go with him but Jeonghan clearly was ignoring Seokmin's presence.

Seungkwan noticed it and gave look to Jeonghan then to Seokmin. ''I'll go with you'' said Seungkwan.

''Okay be careful on the way guys'' teased Vernon and took seat with Jeonghan.

''So whats up?'' Said Vernon.

''Nothing new'' said Jeonghan.

''Huh? Jisoo came today. Isn't that news?'' Asked Vernon.

''Hm so what?'' Rolled his eyes Jeonghan.

''Even his brothers came'' said Vernon.

''Wait who?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''His little brothers'' replied Vernon.

''You mean his siblings?'' Asked shocked Jeonghan.

''Yeah exactly. He moved with them to Korea, of course his parents too. He has two brothers. One Jongsun. Jisoo calls him Jay and he is 12 years old. The little one is Huening Kai. Jisoo calls him Kai and he is little, 7 years old'' said Vernon.

''Oh my... he told me that he is a single kid..'' said Jeonghan in a dissapointment.

''Well i guess he didn't want you to fall for his brothers i guess'' said Vernon and laughed while Jeonghan glared to Vernon.

After school Jeonghan got a call from his grandfather.

''Jeonghan, did ur lessons end?'' Asked his grandfather.

''Yes grandpa. Are you okay?'' Asked Jeonghan.

''Me and your grandma waiting you on school gate we will go shopping on shoppimg mall'' said his grandfather.

''Okie. I'm going~'' said Jeonghan and as he ended a call he bid bye to his friends and headed towards of the gate.

Jeonghan and his grandparents entered to the shop. Jeonghan took a shopping cart just to help his grandparents carry things in it.

They were standing on fruit section and from the vegetable section he spotted unexpect person. Yes. It was Hong Jisoo. With his dark green jacket and dark blue bagpack. He also was carrying shopping cart just like a Jeonghan. Near him he could see woman who is really similiar to Jisoo. Maybe its his mother? And also one of his brother who was teasing Jisoo. Maybe its Jay? Jeonghan tried to avoid him and excused his grandparents and went another section. One of his favorite section school equipments. But fate happened again...

A/N; Hope you enjoyed. How was it👀

Btw Joshua's bday is coming🥹

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