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Everything was going good. Jeonghan and Jisoo chat often and they were trendy ship in the class. Lot gossips would be, some would also be jealous because lot of girls and boys loved Jisoo. But Jeonghan noticed all. He still just keeps on going. Jeonghan first time was feeling adored and getting attention from newcomer.

Today luckily Seokmin came. Jeonghan was as always chatting with him happily.

''I think Jisoo is in love with our Jeonghan'' said Vernon observing Jeonghan from a far as they were back benchers while Jeonghan in the first.

''I also think our Jeonghan loves Jisoo back'' replied Seungkwan.

''Maybe? He never talked to newcomers like that'' said Vernon.

It was a math class. Jeonghan peacefully was solving problems.

''Jeonghan?'' Whispered Seokmin and Jeonghan hummed im response while solving problems.

''Finally i relased something..'' said Seokmin.

''You relased what?'' Asked Jeonghan giving a look to Seokmin who looked blushing.

''I know why you talk a lot about Jisoo to me'' said Seokmin and Jeonghan gave a confused look.

''Don't you understand?'' Said Seokmin.

''No'' said Jeonghan.

''Okay i'll tell you during the break time'' said Seokmin.

''Fine'' said Jeonghan and they both keep on solving problems.

Finally it was a break time. As it was Computer class they had to devide in 2 groups. From Jeonghan's friends Seokmin, Wonwoo, Mingyu, Hoshi, Taehyung were 2nd group while Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Vernon and also Jisoo were 1st group.

''So tell me what you were going to say'' said Jeonghan.

''Uh umm sure but i can't tell it here lets go out'' said Seokmin and guys went out.

Corridor was noisy. Students were running accross. 2nd group of their class were leaving to computer class. Guys were standing near the window.

''Go on'' said Jeonghan.

''You know.. uhm.. i ch-changed my mind.. m..maybe l..lets forget?'' Said Seokmin.

''C'mon! Don't hold it inside'' said Jeonghan.

''Uh.. i..i i don't know how to explain'' said Seokmin.

''C'mon. Just tell me'' said Jeonghan.

''Okay..'' said Seokmin and looked around to make sure that no one can hear and leaned closer to Jeonghan's ear.

''I'm in love with Hong Jisoo!'' Screamed Seokmin into Jeonghan's ear.

Then Seokmin made some distance and said ''i..i managed to tell it to you because you are my best friend''

Meanwhile Jeonghan was frost in shock. Seokmin's words were still ringing on his ears. All could Jeonghan feel was madness? Seokmin looked and Jeonghan with worried eyes. Seokmin didnt expect this reaction from Jeonghan.

Jeonghan gave a glare to Seokmin and madly entered to the class with a slamming door. Thankfully few students were at the class right now and no one dare to bother him.

Seungkwan and Vernon noticed that slightly change in Jeonghan so they quickly ran towards of Jeonghan's seat.

''Han are you okay?'' Said Seungkwan worriedly.

''Jeonghan, whats wrong?'' Asked Vernon.

''Shit happened'' shouted Jeonghan. Both Seungkwan and Vernon were confused.

Seokmin entered the class and ran towards of Jeonghan.

''Jeonghan please i'm sorry'' begged Seokmin. Seungkwan and Vernon gave confused look. Jeonghan just glared to Seokmin.

''Hey Seokmin its time to go Computer room'' said Hoshi. Seokmin gave a sad look to Jeonghan before leaving the classroom.

''Freak!'' Said Jeonghan and went near the window and gave look outside.

Seungkwan and Vernon ran towards of Jeonghan.

''Jeonghan please tell us what happened'' said Vernon.

''Ugh freak happened'' shouted Jeonghan.

''Can you explain?'' Asked Vernon.

''Seokmin is repeating Seungkwans mistake'' said Jeonghan and pointed to Seungkwan.

Seungkwan understood imediately what Jeonghan meant and looked to the ground. Vernon felt uncomfortable by Jeonghan bringing up this topic. Seungkwans past mistake again.

''H..he f..fell in love with who?'' Stuttered Seungkwan.

''Hong Jisoo'' madly shouted Jeonghan.

''Ohh not him'' face palmed Vernon.

''No Seokmin shouldnt fell in love at all. Love is only waste of time. He could focus on his future career instead'' said Jeonghan. ''Wait why are you telling not Jisoo?''

''You are right. We should convince our Seokmin to not fall for him its really bad for him.'' Said Vernon.

''Why are you saying so?'' Asked curious Jeonghan.

''Because Jisoo is not that innocent boy we see. He is bad boy'' said Vernon.

What? Thats not possible! Why he looks like sunshine and innocent then? He always talks gently! Though Jeonghan but said ''Definetly! I knew that he is bad boy. Seokmin shouldn't love him''

''We will try to convince Seokmin then'' said Vernon.

''Uhh fine. But i'm agree if Seokmin is in love but disagree cuz it's Jisoo...'' said Seungkwan again leaving Jeonghan confused.

Teacher came in. Boys took their seat. Jeonghan was confused. Why he was feeling really bad when knew that Seokmin loves Jisoo? Why is he that much feeling bad? Why does he wont Seokmin to love Jisoo? Why he didnt get that much mad when knew that Seungkwan loving his ex but getting annoyed when he knew Seokmin loving Jisoo? Why Vernon saying that Jisoo is not innocent? What's in the world going on?!

Computer class ended Seokmin came back. During the lesson's Seokmin tried to cheer up and talk but no single sound could be heard towards of Jeonghan.

''Jeonghan please talk to me! We are friends!'' Said Seokmin.

''You expecting me to talk to you after what you said?!'' Coldly said Jeonghan.

''But.. all i told was a joke. Hahahaha why would i love that Jisoo? Hahaha funny yeah'' fake laughed Seokmin but Jeonghan could sense that its pure lie.

''Don't talk to me anymore'' was all Jeonghan said.

Seokmin gave a sad look to Jeonghan and then left school earlier. He didnt want to leave with his friends because he though that Seungkwab and Vernon are also mad by seeing Jeonghan's madness.

Three boys let Seokmin go alone as they had things to talk out. Boys were on their way to home.

''So we should make a plan to how Seokmin lose his feelings'' said Vernon.

''Yeah and why you think that Jisoo is bad?'' Finally asked Jeonghan.

''He told me about his life before moving to Korea..''

A/N: 👀👀👀

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