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Everyone was staring at Jisoo and Jisoo was just looking at everyones reaction after his appereance.

''What do you want?'' Asked Vernon finally breaking awkward silent.

''Uh umm you know? I just wanted to say hi'' said with a smile.

''Oh gosh this weirdo'' sighed Seungkwan.

''What are you doing guys?'' With a smile casually asked Jisoo.

''Ahh we are just preparing for the history class'' with a smile replied Seokmin which caused Jeonghan to glare so Seokmin's smile faded.

''Ahh got it'' said Jisoo.

''You better go and also get ready if you don't want a low mark'' said Seungkwan.

''Oh right. See you guys'' said Jisoo and left.


Classes have finished. Jeonghan was going home after he said goodbye to his friends. Jeonghan was simply walking home and listening music with his earpods. Jeonghan could feel someone is following but later he could feel someone's stare. When Jeonghan looked he saw who it was.

''Uhh Seung.. umm..''

''I'm Seungcheol'' said him.

''Ah yeah Seungcheol. What are you doing here?'' Asked Jeonghan with a soft smile.

''Well.. i guesd we have same way'' said Seungcheol.

''Oh um okay'' said Jeonghan and continued to walk.

''Oh by the way! What song were you listening?'' Asked Seungcheol to keep converstation.

''Ohh its Diamond Heart by Alan Walker. My most favorite song'' said Jeonghan.

''I'll try to listen that too'' said Seungcheol and Jeonghan just smiled ''Do you love Hong Jisoo?'' Suddenly asked Seungcheol. Jeonghan had no idea what to do. He was frost.

''Why are you saying so..'' asked Jeonghan.

''Just everyone says you guys have a good chemistry'' said Seuncheol who is concerned to see Jeonghan's reaction.

''I..i um we i mean us no uh we are just friends'' said Jeonghan.

''Hmm got it'' said Seungcheol.

''Oh by the way i'll go this way'' said Jeonghan.

''And i have to go opposite way'' said Seungcheol.

''Okay bye!'' Said Jeonghan who was ready cross the road.

''Bye Princess'' said Seungcheol and Jeonghan turned back to give confused view but Seungcheol was already concerned on his way. Honestly this doesn't affect him much.

Seungcheol only could smile after interecting with Jeonghan offline. By going home he decided to text Jeonghan. Maybe if he tries he can get Jeonghan.

Hi princess did u arrive home safe?

Yes and u?

Me too

Now doing my gaming

Sounds fun

And u?


Eat well princess💕

Jeonghan ignored this time but still that was enough for Seungcheol just to smile. He was happy that he started interacting with Jeonghan.

Tomorrow with a hope Seungcheol went to school. As he entered class he saw Jeonghan who was smiling and talking with Seungkwan. He wanted to greet Jeonghan but he was too shy so he decided to keep calm and sit with Jisoo.

''Guys!! Physics teacher told us to the laboratory! We are having an exoeriment there! Teacher said it affects our grades!'' Shouted Hoshi.

''Ohh finee! We are going to do something interesting!!!'' Said excited Seokmin.

''I bet it will be even more boring then the last time'' said Vernon.

''Oh c'mon guys is it exciting or boring it still does affect our grades'' said Seungkwan.

''Says that who cares grades too much'' said Jeonghan.

''But i get straight A's'' smirked Seungkwan.

''Okay guys lets just go'' said Jeonghan.

Everyone finally arrived to the physics laboratory.

''Everyone. Today's our experiment is balloon rocket according to Newton's third law. Actions are simple. 1. Bring two chairs and place them 10 feet apart.
2.Tie one end of the string with one of the two chairs.
3.Pass another end of the string through the straw. Then, tie it with the second chair tightly, so that string tied between two chairs become flat.
4.Blow up the balloon. Then, pinch its mouth with your hand, so that no air escapes from it.
5.Tape the balloon with a straw while holding the mouth of balloon closed. ask your friend to help you.'' Said physics teacher.

''Who gonna try it first?'' Asked teacher and Jisoo raised his hand. ''Okay Hong Jisoo. And who will be his partner?'' Asked teacher and everyone raised their hands except Jeonghan's gang.

''Yoon Jeonghan'' said teacher and without hesitating Jeonghan stood near the Jisoo.

''You know rules now lets start. What about others? Will i only mark Jisoo and Jeonghan? Find a partner and do yourself too!'' Said teacher.

Vernon and Seungkwan were doing it together.

''Look at those love birds'' said Vernon. Seungkwan gave a look to those couples who were teasing each other and smiling.

Seungcheol was doing it with Mingyu. Seungcheol gave a look to see Jeonghan but the view he saw gave him pain.

The was they laughed if they made mistakes during the process. The was Jisoo helped Jeonghan to place straws with holding Jeonghan's hands.

''Shuji-yaa i couldn't inflate the baloon my breath wasn't enough what should i do?'' Pouted Jeonghan.

''No problem i'll inflate it'' said with a smile Jisoo and took ballon from Jeonghan's hand.

''Oh gosh indirect kiss'' said Seungkwan.

''Just let them have their moment'' laughed Vernon.

Seungcheol still was observing Jisoo and Jeonghan.

''Hey will you help me or not?'' Asked Mingyu.

''Ah i'll'' said Seungcheol and with a sad smile focused on his work.

''Yaaay we got an A'' said both Jisoo and Jeonghan with a happy smile.

''It was really interesting experiment!'' Said Jisoo.

''Told ya! Physics is good subject'' said Jeonghan and they bith walked to the class talking with each other.

Seokmin was walking behind them. He was hurt. He was hurt that at least he can't interact with his crush like Jeonghan. Hiw Jeonghan could restrict everything to him and leave him in the darkness while Jeonghan himself having a fun. He can't hate Jeonghan. Jeonghan is his friend. Best friend. But still he loves Jisoo. He is jealous. He felt like he is burning on fire in the middle.

A/N: update finally. I was busy as if my IELTS exam is close but i'll try my best to update.

Love u guys<3

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