Twenty two

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For the past few days, Alice has been talking about this birthday party for Bella. Maggie had this feeling that Alice is in love with a Bella. Especially since Edward and Bella haven't been spending much time together.

Carlisle walked over to her and kissed her head. "Are you okay with staying home?"

"Yes. I'm okay. Just thinking about something that has me worried."

"And that is."

"The way Bella and Alice are acting."

Carlisle knew she was thinking the same thing as the others. Something was up with Alice and Bella. "Maybe I can talk to the others about this without Alice."

"Okay." She says as she stood up. "I just don't want Edward to have his heart broken."

"And you won't." He says. "I seen it too and so has Jasper. Maybe after this party, we leave. All of us minus Alice and Bella." He smiled at them. "Jasper and I will find someone soon."

Maggie smiled as she watched him leave. "At least he is being observant."

"That's the truth."
"Why are we doing this if Bella and Alice are seeing each other?"

Maggie smiled as she looked at her. "As much as I don't like it, it's more of an expose party than a birthday one." She says. "Carlisle told me before he went to work to not make this look obvious to them. Alice and Bella doesn't know what we are doing and Jasper is ready to end things once and for all."

Rosalie nodded as Emmett grabbed the box that Maggie was going to grab as Nicholas came over to them. "I got this, mom. Go rest."

Nicholas grabbed his mom's pants legs and pulled at them causing her to look and smile. She smiled as she picked him up. "Let's go rest, baby."


Staring at him in shock, Rosalie, Emmett and Maggie couldn't believe he said his first word. Smiling, Maggie walked out of the room causing Rosalie to look at Emmett. "We need to talk about adopting because hearing him say his first word, had me wanting a baby too."

"We have the living room to ourselves. Let's finish and talk about it."

Rosalie smiled as she was going to have an important talk with the love of her life. She has been thinking about talking to him because she was not having Maggie strangle her for just up and doing it. Emmett is her mate and she has to talk to him about things like this.
Later that day, Maggie smiled as she laid Nicholas down. Carlisle walked in and kissed her head. "I came to talk you out of being at this party because I don't need you to stress." He tells her. "If something happens, I will send Bella up here to you."

"Sounds good to me." She tells him. "I love you."

"I love you."

Maggie watched him go downstairs to monitor the others. She knew the plan, but she hopes Bella doesn't do anything that will cause an attack. The only thing on her mind is eating.
"Where's the gifts?" Bella asked. "Alice gave me mine, but didn't I get anything else."

"Nope." Carlisle says. "Oh. Maggie took this out of kindness to get you a ticket to go see your mom. It's just one ticket."

"Why one?"

"She's protecting Edward from being exposed." Carlisle stated as Maggie walked by. "Baby, what are you doing?"

"I'm craving. Mama needs some food."

Seeing the small bump on Maggie had Bella realizing that the woman was pregnant again, but the thing that didn't make sense to her was Edward. He has been closed off and that's not like him.

Jasper followed Maggie into the kitchen as he felt their hunger from Bella's paper cut. The dirty blonde looked and smiled. "Go hunt." She tells him.

Nodding, Jasper left with Edward kissing Maggie's head as he left. Then it was Emmett and Rosalie. Maggie laughed as Carlisle walked in leaving Bella and Alice alone. "What has you laughing?"

"Our kids." She tells him. "They are something else."

"That they are." He says. "Let's take a bath."

Maggie smiled as she grabbed her cake and drink. They walked out of the kitchen just to stop at Bella and Alice making out. "What the hell is going on!" Maggie cried out causing Alice and Bella to pull away.

"Please don't tell, mom." Alice begged. "Please don't."

"Don't call me that, Alice. My daughter wouldn't cheat on an amazing man like Jasper and Bella, you better get the fuck out of our house. NOW!" She says causing Bella to run out. "Leave, Alice."

Alice couldn't believe what she was hearing. She looked at Carlisle who nodded for her to leave. Alice nodded as she knew, she screwed everything up and there was no fixing it. Not this time.

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