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A few year age each kingdom has their own outcasts and misfits today still out their in this world these survivor soldiers of fortune if you want revenge if no one else can help and you can find them maybe you can hire the COMBAT TEAM

(Show then all ramming through a building with a truck at full throttle)

Onslaught as the tactician and leader

(Shows him planing the next mission. Then shows him flying their ship to avoid Grimm. Then him take off his bag to listen to incoming signals and transmission. Then shows him hacking a door and open it and directing his team in. Then shows him shooting down and cutting Grimm down as he solutes the camera)

Swindle as their conman and weapon dealer

(Shows him counting his money with a happy smirk. Then him show people his weapon and good try to sell them. Then shows him take out a RPG from his power and takes aim and fires. Then him in atlas lab and taking all the stuff. Then show him handing a guy some cash for information. Then show him showing weapons to his bounty hunter friend as they trade secrets. Then show him flipping a cain as he smiles for the camera)

Vortex as the eye in the sky.

(Then one of him in the air cutting down Grimm by cut their wing off. Then of people shooting at him and him turning him wings to steel and using it as a shield then use then as blade to cut them and the guns. Then shows him shooting at a target and give the camera a wink)

Blastoff as the sniper and half robot.

(Shows him using his fire to keep him self in the air. Then him using fire on the ground to set Grimm on fire. The shows him tightening and fixing his robot legs up. Shows him holding his sniper rifle and shoots a Grimm in the head then look to the camera and give a thumbs up)

Brawl as the muscle and explosive export.

(Shows him punching a bunch of people. Show him blow a air ship out of the sky while flipping it off as I crashes and burn. Then shows tackling two Grimm and putting both in a head lock and squeezing then and brakes their neck. Then show him stomping him foot down that sends a shockwave to a incoming vehicle and it tips over on it side. Then shows him planting a boom and on a cliff as the place explodes and looks back at the camera)

Bruticus as the unstoppable force and their brotherhood

(Show him squishing Grimm with his foot. Then him taking down a atlas ship that has bin stolen by the WF. Then him punching a mammoth in the face. And him using both his right hand to set thing on fire and his right foot to send shockwaves at their enemies)

(And I show them driving off into the sunset on motorcycles)

CALL 246-43$-1985

Swindle: so what you all think?

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