The Emerald Forest

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(Emerald Forest where onslaught and his team walk through the forest fallowing blastoff to where the relics are)

Brawl: Ah all this walking is giving me itchy fist.

Vortex: Yeah how much farther is it?

Blastoff: Not far just past his clearing.

(We then here rustling in the bushes)

Swindle: you guy hear that?

Onslaught: Yeah everyone back to back.

(We then all form a courcule and draw are weapon and we then see five bear Grimm come out)

Vortex: Well brawl look like you going to get that fight you want after all.

Swindle: look like we each get one.

Blastoff: we wait on you command.

Onslaught: Attack.

(Meanwhile across the Forest, Pyrrha, and Jaune are making their way through the bushes. Jaune hears a noise far away and turns his head)

Jaune: Did you hear that?

Pyrrha: Gunfire. It seems some of our comrades have encountered the enemy.

(They keep moving forward, Jaune still staring in the sound's direction as Pyrrha raises a branch to pass by and accidentally releases it right at Jaune's face, flooring him instantly and having a gash on his cheek)

Pyrrha: Jaune! I'm sorry!

Jaune: It's okay. Just a scratch!

(gets back up when Pyrrha approaches him)

Pyrrha: Why didn't you activate your Aura?

Jaune: Huh?

Pyrrha: Your Aura.

Jaune: Gesundheit.

Pyrrha: Jaune, do you... know what Aura is?

Jaune: (waves the question off, avoiding eye contact) Psch! Of course I do! Do you know what Aura is?

Pyrrha smiles at him and gets ready to explain as the scene changes to Lie Ren's trek through the forest's tall grass.

Pyrrha (off-screen): Aura is the manifestation of our soul. It bears our burdens and shields our hearts. Have you ever felt you were being watched without knowing that someone was there?

Jaune (off-screen): Uh... yeah.

(Ren stops and narrows his eyes, looking around him while a huge black Grimm serpent rises up from the grass behind him and quickly surrounds him with its large, hissing body. Ren adopts a fighting stance as the snake coils together in front of him and attacks with its long fangs)

Pyrrha: (back on screen, walking around Jaune) With practice, our Aura can be our shield. Everyone has it, even animals.

Jaune: What about monsters?

Pyrrha: No.

(switching back to Ren as he leaps out of the way, the snake's mouth hitting the ground and instantly coming up again to hit a jumping Ren back with its snout)

Pyrrha: The monsters we fight lack a soul. They are creatures of Grimm, the manifestation of anonymity.

(Ren lands in a crouch when the serpent encircles him again, and he unleashes his StormFlower before jumping up and firing at the creature)

Pyrrha: They are the darkness, and we are the light.

Jaune (off-screen): Right, that's why we fight them!

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