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(We then cut back to where we left off)

Jaune: We've been so worried about keeping the Vault closed that we never considered using what's inside.

Oscar: The Staff of Creation.

Ruby: Maybe we could use it to save Penny and get everyone in Atlas and Mantle back to safety.

Vortex: Good idea sis help out friend and save everyone.

Swindle: But the question is how our we getting in to us it?

(Willow and Whitley Schnee and Klein Sieben are seen standing in the manor's entrance as Weiss's Scroll beeps. Weiss checks on her Scroll)

Weiss: Well, you'll never guess who I just heard from.

Onslaught: You sister.

Weiss: Yes how'd you know.

Onslaught: I hade a feeling she would turn on ironwood sooner or later. 

(The group has reconvened in the manor's dining room. Jaune has a hand on Penny's shoulder and is staving off the virus by boosting her Aura)

Weiss: So we've got people trapped in Atlas and Mantle that we can't evacuate unless we use the Staff which is located inside the Vault. If we open the Vault, Penny terminates. If Ironwood gets wind of any of this, he blows up Mantle.

Blastoff: So we have to take out ironwood first.

Oscar: There's something else to consider. Once the Staff creates anything else, the city drops. Atlas has enough natural Gravity Dust to keep it from plummeting immediately, but, well, nobody's going to want to be around when it touches down.

Brawl: Great so we can only make one thing at a time. Well there goes my idea for a four barrel tank with fist with like fifty rockets on it.

Ozpin: Well that would be on odd request.

(Jaune stops using his Semblance)

Jaune: Okay, then let's use the Staff to teleport everyone to safety. Maybe even to another Kingdom.

Oscar: We can't just wave it like a magic wand and make our problems go away. And we haven't even told you about... him.

Yang: Who?

Swindle: I'm guessing their someone in the staff like their was in the lamp right.

(Oscar's eyes glow as control of his body is switched to Ozpin)

Ozpin: Correct swindle. The spirit in the Staff. Like Jinn, but, well, he's a character. He can build you anything, but only if you can explain to him how. Like any craftsman, he'll need blueprints. Some sort of reference. It'll help if we have real world examples to show him.

Whitley: I've already gone through the city layouts for the SDC evacuation. Maybe I can help?

Onslaught: Ok we have that.

(Ozpin, Weiss, and Ruby smile at Whitley. Ozpin drops his gaze and frowns)

Ozpin: There's still James and his bomb to consider.

Team COMBAT: let him to us.

Onslaught: But we're going to need your help emerald. 

Blastoff: We're use your semblance to make James thinks that penny is surrendering but in fact its you that way you can catch him with his gourd down.

Brake: Then we combine and crush him.

Vortex: After that me and swindle will take him to ones of the cells and lock him up so we can't stop us.

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