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(Meanwhile, in Argus as Team COMBAT look around for the run away farm boy)

Swindle: Oscar!

Vortex: Come on buddy were you at?

Blastoff: We're not mad. We're just worried.

Brawl: Didn't we do this once when Blake ran away?

Onslaught: Oh yeah I remember that. Am it feels like years ago.

Swindle: Ah! This city's is enormous. Should we split up and fly around.

Saphron: I still don't really understand what happened. Was it about the mission?

Swindle: Kind of look it's all just confusing right now.

Saphron: I know, I know, "top secret". Did he... do something wrong?

Swindle: No. but I think he feels that way. And well it's like our game just went for easy to vary hard mode.

Saphron: I mean, if it was easy, then it wouldn't be important. Right?

Brawl: Yeah. But till. What else can we do we got finish this mission.

Saphron: You could... stay in Mistral, get your licenses at Haven, and come back to Argus. There's a lot of good you five can do. I know your mission is important, but it's not like you're the only ones who can do it. It's not the only mission that needs doing.

Onslaught: Yeah but if you even had a clue what we know you too would want to see it through.

Saphron: Well, uh... I should go pick up Adrian from daycare. I'll let Terra what's happened, and we'll meet you later. Good luck.

Swindle: Thanks.

Vortex: We find him guys.

(The five team members watch Saphron leave before looking down sadly)

Swindle: Ah you know I never thought any of this would happen to us.

Brawl: What gods, Magic, or the fact that it out second yeah time around.

Blastoff: my guess is all of it.

(While his team talks onslaught takes a seat on a nearby bench to think as he keeps his head down while the wind blows, and a leaf flies in front of him. He notices this and follows the maple leaf as it flies in the wind)

Vortex: boss where you're going?

Brawl: Onslaught?

Blastoff: come on.

(They follows the onslaught into a nearby park. Suddenly, they stops in their tracks and notices something. A statue of the late Pyrrha Nikos they all look up at their fallen friend. Onslaught then kneels down and notices a plaque with Pyrrha's respective symbol and words inscribed on it)

Onslaught: In Honor of Pyrrha Nikos, one of the many students who fought valiantly at the fall of beacon.

Vortex: Beacon was the first place I could call home.

Brawl: I miss it I wish none of this happened.

Blastoff: I was a nice place.

Swindle: I was my home my city.

Red-Haired Woman: It's really beautiful, isn't it?

(They stopped and turns around upon hearing her voice. A woman with short, red hair and spectacled, green eyes in a brown coat reminiscint of Pyrrha's armor looks up at the statue with a bouquet of red flowers in her arms. They also look back up to the statue)

Onslaught: It's a beautiful statue but why here?

Red-Haired Woman: She trained here, Sanctum Academy. Everyone was crushed when she chose Beacon over Haven. No one wanted to see her go, but... it was where she wanted to be. I'm just glad she was surrounded by such amazing people.

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