RPG and shotguns

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(After the team split up Brawl stayed in the kingdom to help deal with the Grimm and help Glinda but before that he told tie about how yang not going to stay down forever and when she ready to get back to action to give him a call so brawl can help her when she leaves. But right now he's laughing and having fun with the teacher at Tia home)

Brawl: (laugh) then. Then what happened next?

Port: And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just. I just left the room to laugh!

We then all laugh not noticing that Yang comes into the kitchen door while the we all laugh)

Tai: We told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know!

Oobleck: That is terrible! What is wrong with you!?

Tai: Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we—

(Port puts his right leg on the tabletop, cutting off Tai)

Port: "Like what you see?"

(The four laugh as Port loses his balance. He tries to save himself from falling, but ends up on the floor)

Port: Whoa-oh!

Brawl: Oh I missed laughing.

(There's even more laughter. Tai claps from mirth and Port joins in the hilarity from the floor. Yang giggles too, covering her mouth, but the four become alerted to her presence. Oobleck stands while Port gets up off the floor and brawl juts looks at her)

Port: Oh, uh, Miss Xiao Long! Uh, please, join us.

Brawl: Yeah Yang come in. Maybe you got some story's for your time at beacon.

(Yang enters while Oobleck laughs, a little bit embarrassed)

Oobleck: Oh, yes, yes, pull up a chair. Please, pull up a chair.

Yang: I'm good.

(She hoists herself backward up onto the kitchen counter, beside where her father stands. Port and Oobleck sit back down)

Yang: So, what are you doing here?

Oobleck: Despite popular belief, teachers do have a life outside the classroom.

Port: Professor Goodwitch is working 'round the clock to restore Beacon to its former glory! But, Mistral wasn't built in a day. And we all need rest from time to time.

Brawl: And I need a break for kill all the Grimm I find and see. It's great for a little while but after a while it gets boring.

Tai: Now look, let's not worry about that right now. So, there we were, standing in the auditorium, looking at Qrow, wearing a skirt. Then Oz tells everyone, "It's time to work on our landing strategy!"

Oobleck: The Branwen twins have always been. interesting, to say the least.

Port: That sure didn't seem to stop young Tai.

Brawl: Or me form punching the old man in the face. (Laughs)

Tai: Hey, come on, man, she's right here.

Port: Oh, please! She's a mature young woman! If she can handle combat, she can handle a few jabs at her old man!

Brawl: Yeah I took a few jabs at my old man.

Oobleck: The way you said that do you mean it? Literally or metaphorically?

Brawl: Literally.

Tai: That's not the issue, Pete! And besides, she's still a teenager!

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