Jail time

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(In an Atlas medical facility, Marrow, Vine, Elm and Harriet are staring at Clover corpse on a table in front of them. Marrow is saddened, Vine is stoic, and Elm and Harriet are angry. Ironwood watches them through the window of Winter Schnee's patient room across the hall, while Atlas technicians check on Winter)

Ironwood has retrieved his black gun and has had his injured left arm replaced with a prosthesis. He looks at his new left hand, flexing his fingers, and then looks over to the door as an Atlas crewmate enters the room and salutes him. He briefly salutes back, and they both place their hands behind their backs.

Crewmate: Sir, the prisoners have arrived. They're being processed in Stockade B.

(He nods with an affirming grunt, and the crewmate leaves)

Winter: Onslaught, Qrow and Robyn?

(Winter winces as one of the technicians makes her bend her wrist back)

Ironwood: Could you give us the room, please?

(The technicians promptly exit the room, and Winter gives him a reassuring smile)

Winter: I'll be fine.

(She struggles to curl her fingers into a fist, grimacing, leaving Ironwood unconvinced. His expression softens slightly, and he relaxes his stance)

Ironwood: Thank you, Winter. I don't know what I would do without you. (turning away) I've never-- no one has seen a Grimm force this large before. The city's Hard-Light shields will hold, but not forever.

Winter: What will you do... sir?

Ironwood: Perhaps because we have onslaught in our custody. Maybe we can use him and study his semblance.

Winter: Sir.

Ironwood: Thing about it winder an army of combiners a massive soldier that can take on any Grimm its size. Nothing could stop us.

Atlas Technician: Wait, you can't be in here!

(In the hallway, the technicians who had been tending Winter move forward with their hands up to stop Councilmen Camilla and Sleet from approaching)

Sleet: This is absurd! Let us through!

(Ironwood watches through the window, and Harriet steps out of the room across the hall and watches with her hand on her hip)

Camilla: I told you, we need to speak to the general!

Ironwood: I'm going to do everything I can to defend this kingdom.

(Camilla and Sleet push their way past the technicians)

Camilla: What in God's name do you think you're doing, James?!

Ironwood: No matter the cost.

(With his hands clasped behind his back again, Ironwood calmly walks through the door and into the hall)

Sleet: And what's this about martial law? Have you lost your damn mind?! Are you that scared of what—

(As he makes it into the middle of the hall, Ironwood draws his white gun and shifts his stance, aiming and immediately firing a single shot at Sleet, who cannot be seen from Winter's view of the window. As Ironwood takes aim, Camilla's eyes widen, and she turns to look at Sleet, bringing her arms up close to her chest and screaming in terror as the gun fires. Elm, Vine and Marrow had been watching the councilmen while Ironwood walked into the hall, and when the gun fired, Vine maintained his stoic expression, while Elm and Marrow's eyes widened in shock. All three look at Ironwood, who lowers his gun. Camilla is staring wide-eyed at where Sleet stood, and Sleet has gone completely silent. She hyperventilates and looks at Ironwood he turns and walks in the opposite direction down the hall, holstering his gun, while Winter and Harriet watch. Harriet looks at Winter, then lowers her gaze. Winter sits there, processing what has happened with her mouth slightly agape. She closes her mouth and frownsh)

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