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(At the Schnee manor, Team RWBY, the four members of COMBAT, Emerald, and Oscar are in the meeting room. Weiss is pacing around the room, Emerald is leaning against a wall and Oscar is looking through the window. Everyone else is sitting at the table)

Yang: (sighs) Okay, Ironwood wants Penny, otherwise Mantle is done for. So, how do we stop him?

Blake: Qrow, Onslaught, and Robyn are still in his custody, and May said that the Atlas security drones are watching the crater, so they're trapped too.

Oscar: And Salem isn't going to stay gone for much longer.

Brawl: Then what the hell do we do.

Ruby: It's impossible.

Emerald: See? If Miss Hero with all the answers doesn't have an answer, then we have ours.

Weiss: Shut up.

Swindle: Why our you even here?

Yang: (Approaching Emerald) Okay, then why don't you just leave?!

(Emerald backs away in fear)

Oscar: Can we please just give each other a chance? Emerald's not with Salem anymore, and Ozpin is back.

Blastoff: Great so we only have one good thing. But the boss is still locked up so we can't combine and crush ironwood. And to top all off we have a new girl who has identity's issues.

Vortex: Ah anyone have a plan or idea?

(Ruby grumbles into the table while everyone else goes quiet)

Oscar: All of this doubt and worry and distrust, it isn't getting us anywhere.

(Ruby slams her hands on the table)

Ruby: (distraught) Then nothing has changed! We're in the exact same spot we were yesterday. Arguing what to do while the Kingdom waits to die.

(Yang lays her hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her, but Ruby shrugs the hand off and runs out of the room. Yang hesitates for a second, then runs after her and vortex dose the same)

Vortex: Ruby.

(Upstairs Jaune attempts to heal Nora scars with his Semblance. Lie is sitting on the edge of the bed)

Ren: I'm... glad you're alright.

Nora does not respond. Eventually Jaune stops using his Semblance with a sigh.

Jaune: Ah, sorry. No matter how much I boost you, they won't go away.

Nora: (Getting up into a sitting position) Don't apologize. I got hurt doing what I always do, just another ditsy move from Nora.

Ren: (standing up) Th-that's not true.

Nora: How would you know? We were supposed to be a team, but that didn't matter to you. When things went wrong you pushed us away. You shove people out so you don't have to feel things that are hard!

(Nora gasps for breath before attempting to calm herself down. Ren looks away before replying)

Ren: You're right. I should be apologizing, to both of you. W-when we lost Oscar and things got difficult, I said terrible things. (sits back on the bed) I've been so...angry, at myself. For not being as good as the Ace-Ops, for what happened at Robyn's rally, for losing the lamp. I thought if I just focused on working harder, getting stronger, that we...I, wouldn't fail. But, my biggest failing was as a teammate and as a partner.

(Jaune looks between Ren and Nora several times before getting up in a rush)

Jaune: Ah ha! Ha ha! Uh...All water under the bridge, buddy! Ha ha! I'm uh...Gonna go see if Klein needs any help with Penny.

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