The brothers reunited

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(Ruby, vortex and Yang are shown facing off against Emerald and Mercury. They switch positions and leap forward to take on their opponents. Yang knocks into Emerald while Ruby takes on Mercury and vortex helps them both. As mercy uses his legs to kick Crescent Rose out of her hands)

Mercury: (sarcastically) Uh oh, what're you gonna do now?

(Mercury tries to throw a left cross, but Ruby ducks and headbutts him upwards. Mercury steps a few feet backwards and holds his nose in pain, before growling at Ruby)

Ruby: (picking up Crescent Rose) Whatever it takes to shut you up.

Vortex: Don't worry Ruby I've got yours and yangs back.

(Meanwhile, Nora and blastoff out defensively protecting Jaune, who is still healing Weiss)

Nora: You guys doing okay?

Jaune: I- I think so. She's coming to. I just wish this would go faster.

Nora: How about you don't complain and just be thankful you unlocked your Semblance when you did.

Jaune: My Semblance?

Nora: How else do you think you're healing her, dummy?

Blastoff: Why do you think I said you're healing her?

(Jaune stares back at her in disbelief before looking back down at Weiss)

Jaune: No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers!

Nora: Wait, aren't you worried about running out?

Jaune: Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her.

Blastoff: Well then don't stop.

(Suddenly, Weiss opens up her eyes, stirring)

Weiss: Jaune?

(Nora smiles before standing guard again. Meanwhile, Ren is seen taking on Hazel, who punches the former back into the wall. Hazel then launches an electrical charge from his lightning-Dust enhanced arm, electrocuting Ren, causing him to scream in pain before falling to the ground)

Nora: REN!

Nlastoff: Go! I've got them!

(Nora nods at him before proceeding forward)

Weiss: Jaune... what's happening?

Jaune: You took a heavy hit, you need to stay with me while the others fight.

Blastoff: and I'll cover you two.

Weiss: That's... (sighs) ... annoying.

Jaune: (smiling) Heh, good to have you back, Weiss.

(Meanwhile, Qrow is seen getting knocked back into the wall and then falls to the ground next to the downed Ren, who struggles to get back up as well. While brawl continues to fight hazel as they ouw both equally strong till hazel hit him and an electric blast that sends him a few feet away and needing to catch his breath. Oscar uses his cane to block flaming rocks being fired from Stalwart. Hazel charges forward and punches Oscar several feet back)

Hazel: Hiding behind the face of a child? A monster like you must be stopped!!

(Nora charges at Hazel with a loud battle cry. She leaps into the air, but Hazel catches Magnhild and slams Nora into the ground. Hazel then grabs Nora's head, electrocuting her with his lightning Dust-enhanced arms. She screams out in pain)

Hazel: How many more children must die for you?!

(Suddenly, Nora grabs Hazel's wrist)

Hazel: Huh?

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