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(Back in Mistral, Qrow is seen leaning against a stone railing after finding out that some of the huntsmen and huntresses he was looking for a gone not just one but all of them)

Qrow: This isn't right. I get one or two of them, but. all of them?

(Qrow sighs and hangs his head in disappointment. Suddenly, he hears the sound of Raven's portal behind him)

Qrow: Raven?

(The sound of two motorcycle is heard coming from the portal)

Qrow: (surprised) Oh.

Brawl: Hey old man.

Blastoff: Miss us.

(Back at the house Team RNJRV are in the kitchen as they prepare dinner Ruby and Ren are cooking at the stove, Jaune is setting up the table, and Nora is cutting carrots, occasionally eating slices. And vortex is cutting out beff and chicken)

Ren: Alright, the first batch is just about done.

Ruby: Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and we'll be all set.

Vortex: and the rest of the huntsman he's bringing with him.

Nora: (still eating carrots) Do you really think he's gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food. (eats another carrot slice)

Vortex: Well if brawl was here we would have to make a whole batch for food him. That guy can eat a lot.

Nora: Well the guy is twice are size and has muscle like a ox.

Ruby: Uh, yeah brawl does. And I don't know, but it sounds like we could use all the help we can get.

Qrow: (off screen) I'm back!

Ruby: Be right there!

Ren: (to Ruby) You're going to overcook that.

Ruby: No I'm not, shut up!

Qrow: (off screen) Hey, uh, Ruby? Vortex?

Ruby: I'm coming!

Vortex: Be out in a second.

(Some smoke comes from the pan Ruby is cooking with)

Ruby: (to Ren) Fine! You take over.

(Ruby grabs the tea tray and Vortex grabs the plate and glass and head to the living room)

Ruby: (looking at the tea tray) So, we didn't know how many people were coming.

Vortex: So we just cooked all of it.

(They look up, and gasps as they drop what they were holding and its contents, which shatter on the floor. They both stares in disbelief at the sight of not only Qrow, but also brawl, blastoff, Weiss and Yang as she approaches her little sister)

Ruby: (voice cracking) Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd-- I just... (tears start pouring from her eyes) I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and--

(Suddenly, her big sister gives her a strong hug)

Yang: I love you. (tears stream from her eyes)

(Ruby sobs as she leans into her sister's hug)

Ruby: I love you too.

Vortex: Brawl, blastoff.

Blastoff: Good to see you.

Brawl: Oh stop it and come here the both of you.

(Brawl goes and gives both of his bother a big strong hug as he start to manly cry)

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