Seeing Red

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(At the Argus base, the Atlesian guards watch the screen as Caroline is seen trying to swipe at the airship Maria and Oscar are in as Bruticus shoots at the mech at seems to be doing some damage but not getting her attention)

Cordovin: You just couldn't keep this rivalry between us, could you, Calavera?! You had to rope in children to fail with you!

(The guards cheer on their boss as she fires another shot from the mech's arm cannon. Unbeknownst to them, a red dot appears on one of the radar's screens approaching Argus. Back at the cliffside, Ruby is still holding onto Crescent Rose for dear life. Oscar notices this from the airship)

Oscar: Ruby!

Bruticus: Don't worry farm boy I got her.

Bruticus lowers himself and puts his giant hand right next to ruby as she jump on and he lifts her up)

Ruby: Wow you know I always forget how amazing you guys our.

Bruticus: Um thank you.

Oscar: (over comms) Ruby, can you hear me? Are you guys okay?

Ruby: Are we okay?!

Oscar: I know, we were supposed to lay low, but listen! I think I finally found a weakness!

Nora: Well, we're all ears.

(Ruby and her friends notice Nora, Jaune coming up to them after Bruticus blocked the hand of the mech)

Ren: (relieved) Guys!

(Ren runs over to his teammates)

Oscar: The cylinder on Cordo's cannon rotates and locks in a giant Dust cartridge every time she changes attack styles.

Weiss: We noticed.

Bruticus: Yeah! What your point how do we bring this tin can done.

Oscar: Its her missile launcher doesn't lock in, it pops out! Without her shields, one well-placed shot could detonate the missiles while they're still in the launcher!

Jaune: We could destroy the entire cannon.Oscar, that's brilliant!

Nora: Bruticus? Can you make that kind of shot?

Bruticus: No! This gun was made for damage not tagging one spot. But I then we know someone who can.

(I look down at ruby till in my hand)

Ruby: We'll only get one chance before she catches on. I'd have to be practically staring down the barrel of her cannon.

Maria: Well, I've got a way to guarantee that.

(Maria flies the airship back over to Ruby's jump for Bruticus hand. She run as the hatch doors open. Ruby runs forward)

Qrow: Ruby, what are you doing?!

(Ruby hops into the airship and heads off to do her part. The others watch the airship heading towards Cordo's mech. Ruby smiles at Maria and Oscar)

Bruticus: AHAHAHAHA! She crazier than us!

(In the mech, one of the screens has a popup message saying "ARGUS BASE INCOMING CALL". Cordovin notices this, but her attention is then drawn away)

Maria: Hey, Cordo! I've got one missile left and I know exactly where I'm gonna stick it!

Cordovin: (chuckles) One missile you say? That's a shame, Maria, because I have plenty!

(Cordovin has the missile launcher pop out from the mech's arm cannon while Maria continues flying toward her)

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