Forever Fall

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(Beacon Academy student dorms, where team COMBAT are just do their thing swindle counting stacks of cash vortex grooming his feathers blastoff upgrading his legs so he gets more speed and brawl hit his punching bag and their leader on his way till he see jaune out side his room)

(Jaune hangs his head and closes the door)

Onslaught: Hey, Jaune! Right what are you doing outside of your room lock your self out want me to get swindle to pick the lock?

Jaune: Oh, uh, nope! (raises the sky) Got it!

Onslaught: Where have you been lately? It like your a ghost we hardly see you around?

Jaune: I, uh... I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have, and now Cardin has me on a leash, and Pyrrha won't even talk to me, and. I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea.

(presses his back to his team's door and slides down to the floor in depression)

Jaune:I'm a failure.

Onslaught: No it wasn't.

Jaune: what?

Onslaught: No! You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: that easy for you to say your team is awesome.

Onslaught: Yes but you know why I'm a go leader?

Jaune: um no not really.

Onslaught: It takes a good solder to fallow order, it take a good fighter to win a battle, but leader he has the strength to look at the situation and plan for it

(Put his hand out)

Jaune: Uhhh

Onslaught: you may not be the strongest or the fastest or the most skill but with time you can sharpen then but use your most powerful weapon your mind becomes with that no weapon can break it and with it you can lead your team

Jaune: wow you know I wasn't expecting that thanks Onslaught but I got to ask you name is that?

Onslaught: when me and my friend form this group we left are all names and face and identity behind us and take new ones.

Jaune: cool.

Onslaught: see yea around.

(He then send his friend go to his room and he I now ready to turn the knob and face his team, but his Scroll beeps and he pulls it off of his side to open it, seeing Cardin's contact relaying a message)

Cardin (on-Scroll): Hey! It's your buddy Cardin! I know you're probably busy with that Dust project I gave you, buuuut I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of Rapier Wasps. And make sure they've got some really big stingers! It's important, so don't screw this up!

(Jaune closes his Scroll just when it begins to beep again. Sighing, he wearily heads down the hallway and away from his room)

(An overhead shot of a forest bustling with red leaves and gray trunks is seen as the camera descends and shows Glynda leading teams COMBAT, RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL through the area)

Vortex: This place it amazing.

Swindle: I'm surprised you don't do tours you could make money here.

Glynda: Yes, students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest, and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

(The group stops, and Jaune is carry the jars)

Glynda: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at 4 o'clock. Have fun!

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