The Coming Storm

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(A snow storm appears at Brunswick Farms, making visibility nigh difficult. A wind howling is heard)

Ruby: (sighs) I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks. fine.

(Team RWBY, COMBAT Qrow, Oscar, and Maria arrive at the porch of a residence. Weiss is shivering as she wraps her arms around her to keep herself warm)

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?

Blastoff: Yeah but what grimm bandits or did some happen to all of them?

(Qrow tries to open the door, only to notice it was locked)

Qrow: Hmm. Stay on guard.

(Qrow kicks the door open, everyone proceeds forward with their weapons drawn. They cautiously look around the place)

Maria: Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is.

(Maria walks into the house. After she walks in team COMBAT join her with supplies they need for tonight brawl bring in a heater, blastoff a box of food, vortex pillows and blanket for every one, while swindle bring in lamps to use a light,  Afterwards, Blake and Oscar push a nearby drawer to block the door)

Blake: I saw a chimney. But I guess we don't need it.

Swindle: It pays to be prepared.

Weiss: And also to have blankets too.

Blastoff: Yeah we have enough for everyone.

Onslaught: While we get everything unpacked. Weiss why don't you go and find a fuse box to see if this place still get power.

Qrow: Good thinking Yang, go with her.

(Ruby lingers by the entrance hall for the bit while the others look around. Oscar can be heard opening a door)

Oscar: Looks like a study. Or, a library?

(Ruby walks forward to notice a group of pictures on the wall while team COMABT look for a place to set down all their stuff of the night)

Blake: What do you think?

Ruby: Something doesn't feel right.

Brawl: Yeah no kidding this place even gives me the creeps.

Vortex: And that coming form the guy to snapped a grimms neck with his bar hands.

Blake: Let's look for some—

(Suddenly, a high-pitched scream is heard)

Ruby: Weiss!

Onslaught: Team move

(We all head up the stairs and run into the room Yang and Weiss were in. Qrow also arrives. They look on the bed to see a pair of decomposing corpses)

Blastoff: What the hell?!

Swindle: Oh god.

Onslaught: Ok everyone out.

(We all then head back down as we close the door as we and we turn on the heater to say warm. While Weiss looks at the fireplace still shaken from what she saw earlier. Blake wraps a blanket around Weiss that blastoff handed her before sitting on the couch Yang is on. All while vortex is making stew with potatoes beef and chicken in it for the group. They then hears the door open and close, and Qrow and onslaught walks back in brushing snow off themselves)

Qrow: It's the same in every house.

Yang: What?

Onslaught: Bodies. Every bed in every home. It's like the whole town just went to sleep and never woke up. It like something out of horror movie.

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