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(The sun rises over Atlas Academy while Team COMBAT snores in their beds)

Penny: Salutations!

(Team COMBAT are startled awake by Penny shouting her greeting in the middle of their dorm room)

Penny: (in a sing-song voice) Good morning, Team COMBAT!

Brawl: AHHHH! What the hell are you doing here!

Onslaught: Ugh, Penny.

Blastoff: (till asleep) What time is it even?

Penny: Time to be huntsman, of course!

(Penny strikes a pose, holding up two fingers by her head and winking. While team COMBAT ground not use to being up this early)

Swindle: Give us ten more minutes.

(Jaune Arc walks into a briefing room with a coffee mug and heads over to where Team COMBAT, RWBY, the Ace Operatives and his teammates are sitting. He takes a seat and cheerfully prepares to sip his steaming hot coffee, only to notice Marrow Amin staring and wagging his tail. Jaune frowns and hands the mug to Marrow)

Jaune: (sighs) Sure, take it.

(Marrow drinks the coffee, while Jaune hangs his head)

Clover: Eyes up, Huntsmen. Time to get used to the new normal in Atlas. Your top priority is Amity Tower. That means protecting supply runs from Grimm and bandits. And protecting the site itself. Diverting all construction resources to Amity Tower means there are going to be gaps in Mantle's defenses against Grimm. They'll need help on the perimeter.

Onslaught: Well me and my team can handle that.

(They walk along the top of Mantle's outer wall, playing with his braid. Till they hears growling below and stops to look down. The five of them look down at the Sabyrs approaching the wall and jump and combine as they crack their hands)

(We then see as Onslaught traded with jaune to be the crossing guard after he begged and pleaded. He now stands on a crosswalk somewhere in Mantle, holding up a small stop sign, while five small children cross the street)

Onslaught: Single file line, you know the drill.

Clover: But there's still plenty to do in Mantle itself.

(A group of five young women stand on the sidewalk nearby, watching Onslaught and giggling excitedly

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(A group of five young women stand on the sidewalk nearby, watching Onslaught and giggling excitedly. Four of them strike poses, grinning at him. One of the four winks, while another holds out her hand, gesturing for him. The fifth looks away shyly. Meanwhile, a blonde woman in a red coat has approached Onslaught with a large casserole)

Onslaught: Oh, another casserole. That's too kind.

(The blonde woman repeatedly attempts to hand the casserole to the reluctant Onslaught before forcibly shoving it into his arms, blushing and striking a pose)

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