- Chapter Ten -

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The long-lasting silence blanketed over them as they both stared at the babies. They were twins, just a couple of months old. Since Luz had arrived, Amity had felt her whole body clam up and couldn't think about a word to say. Everything seemed too boring.

Luz spoke first. "So...having fun skipping school?"

Amity turned, grimacing. "Not really," She paused, "I guess hanging out with you is more fun than sitting in my room in silence."

"Not that it's any different."

Both laughed airily at the comment, smiling after the laughter was gone. The twins, blonde and brunette like some sort of story, were currently fighting over a cardboard book.

The purple-haired girl turned to look at Luz. "I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for everything I ever did and said to you."

The Hispanic smiled lightly, in understanding. "Is this why you haven't been at school?"

"Yes...," She said as she looked down at her clasped hands, "I didn't want to...I didn't know how.."

Suddenly, she felt the couch shift and warm arms wrap around her as they pulled her up. Luz smelled strongly of candy and flowers, the scent calming down the other and making all of her pent up energy finally fall free. She felt the salty tears escape and hit her mouth, seeping into it and touching her tongue.

Briefly, she worried about getting snot all over her frenemy's sweater. The girl spoke first, "Amity..I can't say that I forgive you entirely as that takes time, " she closed her eyes as she grabbed onto the other's pale hands, "but I can say that you're making up for it and I see now that maybe you've changed.."

Amity's heart tightened as she nodded, a couple of stray tears falling onto her neck. "I want to make it up to you. All up."

They spent the rest of the time playing with the twins until the parents arrived, picking them up. Currently, Luz and Amity sat on the couch together, watching a movie.

Amity's phone vibrated, almost falling off the coffee table. She saw the blinding flash of a selfie, her and her friends smiling dumbly clad in scandalous costumes. She picked up the phone, giving a questioning look to Luz as the other shrugged. "Hello?"

"Amity! Finally, man," paused the voice, "I've been trying to reach you for days!"

"Who is this?"

"Haha, very funny."

"No," she insisted, "who is this?"

"It's me...Briar." They deadpanned, all of the usual sweetness gone from their voice. "Did you forget that you're the president of the prom committee? Nothing is done..."

"But I thought you guys would take care of that." She tilted her head in confusion, even though the other couldn't see her. Luz shifted uncomfortably as she bore witness to the conversation. She knew Amity was fragile right now, and anything said would most likely break her.

"No. That's your job." Replied Briar. "We decided we're not doing it anymore."

Amity felt her phone slip from her grasp, her hands shook, heart constricting and making it hard to breathe. Spots danced in front of her and she blinked rapidly, everything spinning.

She felt a light touch near her arm but that only made her shake more. After a couple of minutes, she felt the cool touch of ice. Her blurry vision focused onto a guilt-looking face. "Sorry," she said, "I just read somewhere that shock can take you out of a panic attack. I didn't know what else to do."

Amity nodded, sighing. She closed her eyes before responding. "Thank you, love."

Luz!s heart skipped weirdly at the nickname. Vulnerable Amity had not been what she had expected, it turned out the teenager had an even sweeter side than she let on.

For the first time in awhile, she thought about something her mom would say, "La gente siempre pisotea a otra gente porque tienen algo malo en su vida."

People step on others because they have something wrong in their life. Oh, how right her mother had been. Amity's life seemed horrible, even without having the full story.

She smiled warmly as the other peered at her, nervously. An idea was beginning to take shape on her brain.

"Don't you worry about it, Amity." She reassured her. "I have an idea."

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