- Chapter Thirteen -

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Luz tossed and turned in her room, trying to get her spinning mind to calm down. The creature was currently sitting on her chest, making it hard to breathe and sleep. She slowly, reluctantly, opened her eyes to stare at her closed window. The blinds were drawn over the glass from a corner, she could make out the street lights.

She turned to face the other way, closing her eyes yet again and counting to ten in her head.

One..Amity looked so pretty today.

Two..It's fine to think that of a friend, right?

Three..Gosh, I don't know.

Four.. I'm so confused. She's so pretty but she's my friend.

Five.. She's going to hate me.

Six..Maybe, she won't?

Seven..Did we almost kiss? Am I going crazy?

Eight...I'm going crazy.

Nine..Sleep, please.

Ten..Ugh! This is pointless!

Luckily, a noise brought her out of her thoughts. She listened intently as she got up from her bed. The bell was ringing. There was knocking at her door. She slipped on her slippers, phone in hand.

She made little to no noise as she traipsed toward the entrance, looking through the peep hole. Her eyes widened as she beheld the disheveled appearance of a pale girl with purple hair. Her eyes tired, expression full of worry and...was that chocolate in her hands?

Luz swung the door open. "Amity?"


"What are you doing here?" She asked, still perplexed.

Amity rubbed at her pajama sleeve, the kittens seeming quite silly and adorable for someone of her esteem. "I just..," she blinked, then threw herself into the arms of the shorter girl.

Luz rubbed at her back, closing the door behind her, all while still not letting her go. "What's wrong, Ams?"

As the girl backed away, she could see the glistening of her eyes and the deep frown on her face. "Luz..Luz I think I—I'm," a sob racked her body, "g-gay."

Luz tried to mask her surprise as she walked closer towards Amity, pulling her yet into another hug. "Oh Amity. Everything's going to be okay." She tucked a strand of the teenager's short bob-like hair behind her ear, giving her a small kiss in her forehead as a sign of affection and reassurance. "Would you like to stay over?"

"Yes." She said too quickly. "I don't want to be alone."

"Alright, just let me tell my moms." She observed as Luz walked up the stairs of her house and knocked on a pink door, letting herself in. She shifted her weight from foot to foot. The thoughts had gotten unbearable and the conversation with Ed hadn't helped.

She had reached a terrible conclusion— she, Amity Blight, star student and daughter, was gay. All around gay. Not even just a little bit..just purely one thing. She knew, that in of itself, the conclusion wasn't bad but she feared the reaction of her family and friends. Would she be ridiculed? Cast aside? Would they disown her like some kind of disease?


"Yes?" She blinked hard, ridding herself of the haunting sound of her own wandering voice.

"You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch for tonight." She smiled.

Amity shook her head, cheeks tinging pink. "S-sleep with me, I don't w-want to be alone."

Luz tilted her head but nodded, biting her lip. She pointed to the box in Amity's hand. "What is that?"

"Chocolate..I brought some since I knew it's your favorite."

Luz squealed, then clasped a hand to her mouth trying to quiet herself down. "This is so cute!" She neared the taller girl, giving her a warm squeeze and then stealing the box of chocolates from her grasp. "We can have these next time you come over."

"Okay." A grin slowly spread across her face. "Next time?"

Luz blushed profusely. "I mean..if you want to."

"Of course I do. You're my..best friend."

"I am?"

Amity sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. "Well, yeah, Boscha and Briar are pretty..self centered," The girl frowned, "Even more than you would think."

Having her friend in such proximity, made Luz want to keep hugging her. She battled internally with herself until she gave in and motioned for her to come forward. Blight complied, a questioning look on her face as Luz wrapped her arms around her neck and whispered in her ear, "They can go to hell."

Amity Blight smiled for the millionth time that night. "Yes, they can."

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