- Chapter Twelve -

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Warm, solid lips met her own as they danced in the middle of the floor, the music was blaring loud, almost causing her to lose her hearing. Luz looked stunning in her tux. She revelled in the feeling of the closeness, the warmth and beauty of the moment.

In a panic, she felt herself sit up. She grasped in the darkness until she felt the lamp on her nightstand and grabbed the glass of water, chugging it whole. It was the third time this week that she had had the same reoccurring dream.

On the other side of town, Luz was starting to panic. Every time she thought about Amity, her heart skipped beats and her palms started to sweat along with a sickening feeling taking over her. She had reached insanity.

She had woken up early today, trying to get most of her school work done but to no avail. She sighed in frustration as she let herself plop onto the bed. Hands raked across her face, "Oh god, Amity. What have you done to me?"

Monday of that week, both girls found themselves avoiding the other as they passed in the hallway. The same routine following until Thursday, when even Willow couldn't take it anymore.

"Seriously, Luz, just talk to her!" She exclaimed, exasperation clear in her face. "You talk about her all day."

Luz sighed. "I know but that's because I'm confused, Wills."

"Yeah, sexuality isn't easy but maybe..," Willow hesitated, "maybe she is good for you."

The Hispanic raised an eyebrow at her friend's admission. "Don't tell me you're starting to warm up to her?"

"Never." She averted her eyes to look at the cheerleaders.

Luz laughed airily. "Alright, maybe I'll try.."

On the other side of the field, Amity's gaze wandered to one person. "Oh c'mon," she heard Briar exclaim loudly, "Can't you go one day without your nerd buddy?"

Boscha snorted. "If I wasn't such a good friend, I wouldn't wanna be seen with you. She's such a social downgrade, girl!"

"No," She gritted her teeth, "she's a really nice person and no, Briar, I can't go one day without her."

Boscha and Briar gave each other a look at her response. She knew, just by their demeanor, that they would be speaking about her when she left practice today but she didn't care. Her 'friends' could go to hell. She was tired of pretending, tired of being someone she wasn't.


Edric approached his sister, warily, as the door swung open. "Hey, Ams, long time no talk?"

"Hi." She set down her book as she smiled warmly. "Where's Em?"

"Out with a date."

"Aw," she replied, scrunching up her nose. "Don't tell me it's the ugly one again."

Her brother laughed at her response. "You have nothing to worry about tonight. I wanted to speak to you about something." He neared the edge of her bed, sitting down and patting the spot next to him. She scooched next to him.

"Is something wrong?"

"No," he hesitated, "not exactly..I just noticed that you've been hanging out with that Luz girl a lot."


"What's going on? Why the sudden change of heart?" He raised an eyebrow, a knowing look in his eyes.

Amity blushed profusely. "I just don't want to be like mom. I want to be my own person, Ed."

"Is that the only reason?" He questioned. "Your friends tell me they see you looking at her quite often, ditching them for her..they hadn't spoken to you in a week but somehow she had?"

Amity's confusion suddenly turned into a deep well of anger. "Boscha and Briar can go to hell."

Edric raised his hands in mock surrender. "I just wanted to make sure everything was alright," he grinned mischievously as he ruffled her hair, "and for the record, I think Luz is a nice girl."

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